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      사이버 작전환경에서의 군사적 대응 문제 = Military Response Issues in Cyber Operations Environments



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      When Cheong Wa Dae presented its ‘National Cyber Security Strategy’ in April 2019, a basic plan for national cyber security, a pan-ministerial system of countermeasure against cyber threats, was drawn up. This is interpreted as a sign of the gover...

      When Cheong Wa Dae presented its ‘National Cyber Security Strategy’ in April 2019, a basic plan for national cyber security, a pan-ministerial system of countermeasure against cyber threats, was drawn up. This is interpreted as a sign of the government's will to establish active measures against cyber attacks that are growing in tandem with intelligence information technology and are becoming more sophisticated and sophisticated.
      There is no denying that today’s armed conflicts contain a component called cyberspace, and that the strength of the Cyberpower continues to increase as well Major military powers such as the U.S., China, and Japan have already established cyberwarfare, and North Korea continues to threaten our military through its cyber-militaryization strategy.
      This paper reviewed the military-level problems in the cyberoperational environment with the aim of ensuring the justification of counterattack against cyber attacks. Based on the ‘special nature of the Korean Peninsula’ that maintains the armistice, we discussed the feasibility of active cyber counterattack, and recommend securing ‘cyber militia’ in preparation for cyber warfare, upgrading ‘cyber operation command’ and establishing ‘information sharing and cooperation’ system.


      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      2019년 4월 청와대가 ‘국가사이버 안보전략’을 제시하면서, 사이버 위협에 대한 범부처 차원의 대응체계인 국가사이버안보 기본계획이 마련되었다. 오늘날의 무력 충돌은 대부분 사이버 ...

      2019년 4월 청와대가 ‘국가사이버 안보전략’을 제시하면서, 사이버 위협에 대한 범부처 차원의 대응체계인 국가사이버안보 기본계획이 마련되었다. 오늘날의 무력 충돌은 대부분 사이버 공간이라는 구성 요소를 포함하고 있고, 그 힘(Cyber power)의 강도 역시 계속 점증하고 있음을 부인할 수는 없다. 이미 미국·중국·일본 등 주요 군사강국들은 사이버 전력화를 구축하였으며, 북한은 사이버 군사화 전략을 통해 지속적으로 우리軍을 위협하고 있다.
      이 논문은 사이버 공격에 대한 대응공격의 정당성을 확보하기 위한 목적으로 사이버 작전환경에서의 군사적 차원의 문제를 검토해 보았다. 휴전상태를 유지하고 있는 ‘한반도 특수성’을 바탕으로 적극적인 사이버 대응공격의 당위성을 논의하였으며, 사이버 전쟁에 대비하여 ‘사이버 민병대’ 확보, ‘사이버작전사령부’의 격상, 그리고 ‘정보공유와 협력’체계를 구축할 것을 제언하고자 한다.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 "세계가 앓고 있는데…북, 또 단거리 미사일 발사" 한겨례

      2 신경수, "사이버 위협의 확장과 국가안보적 대응: 북한 사이버 공격을 중심으로" (사) 한국전략문제연구소 25 (25): 49-73, 2018

      3 김상배, "사이버 안보 국제규범의 세계정치: 글로벌 질서변환의 프레임 경쟁" 세종연구소 23 (23): 153-180, 2017

      4 신진, "북한의 사이버 공격(Cyber attack)과 국제적 대응" 평화문제연구소 28 (28): 61-90, 2016

      5 이민효, "무력분쟁과 국제법" 연경문화사 2008

      6 신경수, "국제사회와 사이버 공간의 안보문제" 국제학연구소 27 (27): 27-55, 2018

      7 Frank J. Cilluffo, "With hacking of US utilities, Russia could move from cyberespionage toward cyberwar" The Conversation

      8 Amy Chang, "Warring State: China’s Cybersecurity Strategy"

      9 John J. Mearsheimer, "The Tragedy of Great Power Politics" W. W. Norton & Company 2001

      10 Eric Talbot Jensen, "The Tallinn Manual 2.0:Highlights and Insights" 48 : 2017

      1 "세계가 앓고 있는데…북, 또 단거리 미사일 발사" 한겨례

      2 신경수, "사이버 위협의 확장과 국가안보적 대응: 북한 사이버 공격을 중심으로" (사) 한국전략문제연구소 25 (25): 49-73, 2018

      3 김상배, "사이버 안보 국제규범의 세계정치: 글로벌 질서변환의 프레임 경쟁" 세종연구소 23 (23): 153-180, 2017

      4 신진, "북한의 사이버 공격(Cyber attack)과 국제적 대응" 평화문제연구소 28 (28): 61-90, 2016

      5 이민효, "무력분쟁과 국제법" 연경문화사 2008

      6 신경수, "국제사회와 사이버 공간의 안보문제" 국제학연구소 27 (27): 27-55, 2018

      7 Frank J. Cilluffo, "With hacking of US utilities, Russia could move from cyberespionage toward cyberwar" The Conversation

      8 Amy Chang, "Warring State: China’s Cybersecurity Strategy"

      9 John J. Mearsheimer, "The Tragedy of Great Power Politics" W. W. Norton & Company 2001

      10 Eric Talbot Jensen, "The Tallinn Manual 2.0:Highlights and Insights" 48 : 2017

      11 Dave Weinstein, "The Pentagon’s New Cyber Strategy: Defend Forward" Lawfare

      12 James Griffith, "The Great Firewall of China How to Build and Control an Alternative Version of the Internet" ZedBooks 2019

      13 Edwin Chan, "The Great Firewall of China" washingtonpost

      14 Aaron F. Brantly, "The Cyber Deterrence Problem" 2018

      15 J. Kosseff, "The Contours of ‘Defend Forward’ Under International Law" 1911

      16 Kamrul Hossain, "The Concept of Jus Cogens and the Obligation Under The U.N. Charter" 3 : 2005

      17 Andreas Schmidt, "Telecommunications Policy" 36 (36): 2012

      18 Jim Q. Chen, "Take the rein of cyber deterrence" 2017

      19 John Robert Bolton, "Surrender Is Not an Option(Paperback)Defending America at the United Nations" Pocket Books 2008

      20 James P. Farwell, "Stuxnet and the Future of Cyber War" Informa UK Limited 53 (53): 23-40, 2011

      21 Tim Maurer, "Russia’s Cyber Strategy" 21 : 2018

      22 "Russian Military Power 2017"

      23 Bryan Krekel, "Occupying The Information high Ground: Chinese Capabilities for Computer Network Operaion and Cyber Espionage" 21 (21): 2014

      24 Jim Finkle, "North Korean hacking group behind recent attacks on banks:Symantec" Reuters

      25 Ronald Deibert, "Militarizing Cyberspace: To preserve the open Internet we must stop the cyber arms race" 2010

      26 Bogusław Olszewski, "Militarization of Cyberspace and Multidimensionality of Security" 2016

      27 Kenneth N. Waltz, "Man, state, and War : A Theoretical Analysis" Columbia University 2001

      28 MAJ Kha M. Nguyen, "Learning to Mow Grass: IDF Adaptations against Hybrid Threats" School of Advanced Military Studies United States Army Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth 2017

      29 Alberts D. S., "Information Age Transformation: Getting to a 21st Century Military"

      30 Mihoko Matsubara, "How Japan’s New Cybersecurity Strategy Will Bring the Country Up to Par With the Rest of the World" The Council on Foreign Relations

      31 Nicu Popescu, "Hack, Leaks And Disruptions: Russian Cyber Strategies" 2018

      32 M. Dunn Cavelty, "Cyber–security and threat politics : U.S. efforts to secure the information age" Routledge 2007

      33 Kat Devlin, "Cybersecurity threat looms large in Japan" the japan times

      34 John Arquilla, "Click, click ... counting down to cyber 9/11"

      35 James Mulvenon, "Chairman Hu and the PLA’s “New Historic Missions" (27) : 2009

      36 Dawson, Maurice, "Battlefield Cyberspace: Exploitation of Hyperconnectivity and Internet of Things"

      37 Randall G. Schriver, "Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Schriver Press Briefing on the 2019 Report on Military and Security Developments in Chin" 2019

      38 Geoffrey S. DeWeese, "Anticipatory and Preemptive Self-Defense in Cyberspace:The Challenge of Imminence" 2015















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