The main purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between personality of care givers and organizational commitment in the nursing home for the elderly. The average life span of the older in the Korea is growing. Therefore, the needs to care...
The main purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between personality of care givers and organizational commitment in the nursing home for the elderly. The average life span of the older in the Korea is growing. Therefore, the needs to care the older have been strong as times go.
The data was collected from about 25 nursing home for the elderly which is in the Daegu, S. Korea. 211 cases was analyzed for the study in total. SPSS 20. 0 was used to analyze the data. The frequency analysis, internal consistency, and validity test, and correlation test, and multiple regression were conducted to analyze the data.
The result shows that openness to the experience and extraversion significantly have a positive effect on the organizational commitment of the care givers in the nursing homes for the elderly, whereas neuroticism, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. Expecially the impact of openness to experience on the organizational commitment was stronger than extraversion. This means that care givers who don't care the novel environment are strongly committed to their work. Extraversion significantly has a positive effect on the organizational commitment in the study, whereas various studies that the clinic nurses are the subjects reveal that extraversion has no effect on organizational commitment. The finding showed that neuroticism has no significant relationship with organizational commitment. The result of the study is a little different from one of the previous studies that neuroticism generally has an negative effect on the organizational commitment. Conscientiousness in the study has no effect on the organizational commitment, either. The result is also different from the results of the previous studies that conscientiousness is a strong and positive effect on organizational commitment. Considering the no impact of neuroticism and conscientiousness, sincere and mild personality is not necessary for carrying out the work of care givers in the nursing homes for the elderly. Agreeableness is not correlated to the organizational commitment of care givers. Although agreeableness helps care givers to care the elderly, it does not help them to be committed to their work.
Base on the results of the study, the study has the implication that the nursing homes for the elderly need to select care givers who has high levels of openness to experience and extraversion. This means the nursing homes need to find care givers who have the high levels of activity. Especially openness to experience to the care givers is an important determinant of organizational commitment through this study.