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      唐代 書院의 형성에 대한 재검토 -존재 양태와 배경을 중심으로- = The Reviewal of Formation of Seowon(書院, Shuyuan) in Tang dynasty



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The Seowon(Shuyuan) found in the official history after the Ryeojung(Lizheng) Seowon was not the official term for the particular institution with certain regulations. The Seowon that had emerged as the simple form of Susuwon(Xiushuyuan) was used not as a formal name but as a general meaning, and was more widely used to refer to places related to books. This name was a distinguished one from the Seowon mentioned in later generations.
      In addition, the Seowon was also used to refer to that of the civilians during the Tang Dynasty, which holds significance in that it provides insight into the fact that the corresponding site existed. Unlike the preexisting understandings, however, the civil Seowon such as Gwangsuksan(Guangshishan) that are considered to have existed even before the advent of the Ryeojung Seowon have credibility issues in historical materials, making it difficult to recognize their actual existence as a Seowon. On the other hand, the Seowon identified in the literature works of the Tang Dynasty deserve the affirmation of their existence, but their names, different to those of later generations, were used in connection with the names of certain individuals. This shows that the Tang Dynasty Seowon originated from a specific individual’s place of study or lecturing.
      Therefore, it can be said that the early form of Seowons was formed directly linked with the academic and educational activities of individuals, and it was operated as a place for personal learning and educational activity in the latter half of the Tang Dynasty in the face of the increasing insolvency of the educational system. Individual learning methods initiated in result of multiple causes were not limited to a particular person but were also collectively implemented by multiple people. This individual learning had expanded into a form of teaching, and the number of cases in which a large number of people study and educate in groups had increased. In this process, there were frequent cases where certain individuals took the Bureaucratic appointment examination or were recommended for government posts. However, studying and teaching was not only shared as a means of obtaining such positions, and so this also took place during the period of employment or after retirement as well. The individual-centered studying and teaching gradually went through the process of social expansion and was recognized and valued. Having shown its various aspects, individual study and teaching led to one of the universal acts by intellectuals in the Tang Dynasty, and further established a social trend. This situation provided an important background for the development of the Tang Dynasty Seowons.
      In the end, the Tang Seowon was formed under the circumstance of a certain discrepancy between its name and the actual being, and ultimately was embodied in the background of the phenomenon in which the studying and education of the individual continued to expand.

      The Seowon(Shuyuan) found in the official history after the Ryeojung(Lizheng) Seowon was not the official term for the particular institution with certain regulations. The Seowon that had emerged as the simple form of Susuwon(Xiushuyuan) was used not ...

      The Seowon(Shuyuan) found in the official history after the Ryeojung(Lizheng) Seowon was not the official term for the particular institution with certain regulations. The Seowon that had emerged as the simple form of Susuwon(Xiushuyuan) was used not as a formal name but as a general meaning, and was more widely used to refer to places related to books. This name was a distinguished one from the Seowon mentioned in later generations.
      In addition, the Seowon was also used to refer to that of the civilians during the Tang Dynasty, which holds significance in that it provides insight into the fact that the corresponding site existed. Unlike the preexisting understandings, however, the civil Seowon such as Gwangsuksan(Guangshishan) that are considered to have existed even before the advent of the Ryeojung Seowon have credibility issues in historical materials, making it difficult to recognize their actual existence as a Seowon. On the other hand, the Seowon identified in the literature works of the Tang Dynasty deserve the affirmation of their existence, but their names, different to those of later generations, were used in connection with the names of certain individuals. This shows that the Tang Dynasty Seowon originated from a specific individual’s place of study or lecturing.
      Therefore, it can be said that the early form of Seowons was formed directly linked with the academic and educational activities of individuals, and it was operated as a place for personal learning and educational activity in the latter half of the Tang Dynasty in the face of the increasing insolvency of the educational system. Individual learning methods initiated in result of multiple causes were not limited to a particular person but were also collectively implemented by multiple people. This individual learning had expanded into a form of teaching, and the number of cases in which a large number of people study and educate in groups had increased. In this process, there were frequent cases where certain individuals took the Bureaucratic appointment examination or were recommended for government posts. However, studying and teaching was not only shared as a means of obtaining such positions, and so this also took place during the period of employment or after retirement as well. The individual-centered studying and teaching gradually went through the process of social expansion and was recognized and valued. Having shown its various aspects, individual study and teaching led to one of the universal acts by intellectuals in the Tang Dynasty, and further established a social trend. This situation provided an important background for the development of the Tang Dynasty Seowons.
      In the end, the Tang Seowon was formed under the circumstance of a certain discrepancy between its name and the actual being, and ultimately was embodied in the background of the phenomenon in which the studying and education of the individual continued to expand.


      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      서원의 명칭은 중국에서 唐代에 처음 확인된다. 이는 당시 궁중 내 설치된 麗正書院의 존재에 그 기원을 두고 있는데, 書院으로 지칭되는 대상의 변화 속에서 書院의 명칭은 특정 성격을 갖는 범칭으로 활용되었다. 일반적인 의미로 사용된 書院은 민간에서도 이용되었고 특정 개인의 독서 및 강학의 장소를 일컫는 의미로 통용되었다. 이러한 경향은 唐代 작성된 문학 작품을 통해 확인된다. 따라서 특정 사료에서 서원의 명칭이 管見되는 것을 곧 송대 이후 확립되는 서원, 즉 일정한 規制를 갖춘 서원의 출현과 연결 짓는 것에는 무리가 따른다.
      당대의 서원은 개인의 학술과 교육을 위한 장소로 시작되었다고 할 수 있는데 이는 당시에 점차 확대되어가던 사회적 분위기와 밀접하게 연관되어 있다. 당 중기 이후 관방 교육 제도의 부실화 경향이 과거 응시자들의 새로운 수요와 맞물려 확대되고, 이를 배경으로 이른바 당대 서원의 형성과 확산이 촉진되었다.
      당대에 개인에 의한 개별적인 학습 방식은 다양한 계기로 시작되었고 여러 사람들에 의해 집단적으로 시행되기도 했다. 이는 곧 교육을 중심으로 한 講學의 형태로 확대되었고, 여럿이 독서와 교육을 함께 하는 경향이 늘어갔다. 이를 배경으로 추천 또는 과거를 통해 관직에 나아가는 일이 잦았다. 한편 개인에서 시작된 독서와 강학의 활동은 관직 획득만을 목적으로 한 것은 아니어서 관직의 재임 기간이나 致仕 이후에도 시행되었다. 이에 개인 및 확대된 형태로 이루어진 독서와 강학은 점차 사회적인 의미를 인정받았고 그 행위를 중시하는 태도가 확산되어 곧 사회적 풍조를 이루었다. 이러한 상황은 당대 서원의 형성과 이후 서원의 발전에 중요한 배경이 되었다.

      서원의 명칭은 중국에서 唐代에 처음 확인된다. 이는 당시 궁중 내 설치된 麗正書院의 존재에 그 기원을 두고 있는데, 書院으로 지칭되는 대상의 변화 속에서 書院의 명칭은 특정 성격을 갖...

      서원의 명칭은 중국에서 唐代에 처음 확인된다. 이는 당시 궁중 내 설치된 麗正書院의 존재에 그 기원을 두고 있는데, 書院으로 지칭되는 대상의 변화 속에서 書院의 명칭은 특정 성격을 갖는 범칭으로 활용되었다. 일반적인 의미로 사용된 書院은 민간에서도 이용되었고 특정 개인의 독서 및 강학의 장소를 일컫는 의미로 통용되었다. 이러한 경향은 唐代 작성된 문학 작품을 통해 확인된다. 따라서 특정 사료에서 서원의 명칭이 管見되는 것을 곧 송대 이후 확립되는 서원, 즉 일정한 規制를 갖춘 서원의 출현과 연결 짓는 것에는 무리가 따른다.
      당대의 서원은 개인의 학술과 교육을 위한 장소로 시작되었다고 할 수 있는데 이는 당시에 점차 확대되어가던 사회적 분위기와 밀접하게 연관되어 있다. 당 중기 이후 관방 교육 제도의 부실화 경향이 과거 응시자들의 새로운 수요와 맞물려 확대되고, 이를 배경으로 이른바 당대 서원의 형성과 확산이 촉진되었다.
      당대에 개인에 의한 개별적인 학습 방식은 다양한 계기로 시작되었고 여러 사람들에 의해 집단적으로 시행되기도 했다. 이는 곧 교육을 중심으로 한 講學의 형태로 확대되었고, 여럿이 독서와 교육을 함께 하는 경향이 늘어갔다. 이를 배경으로 추천 또는 과거를 통해 관직에 나아가는 일이 잦았다. 한편 개인에서 시작된 독서와 강학의 활동은 관직 획득만을 목적으로 한 것은 아니어서 관직의 재임 기간이나 致仕 이후에도 시행되었다. 이에 개인 및 확대된 형태로 이루어진 독서와 강학은 점차 사회적인 의미를 인정받았고 그 행위를 중시하는 태도가 확산되어 곧 사회적 풍조를 이루었다. 이러한 상황은 당대 서원의 형성과 이후 서원의 발전에 중요한 배경이 되었다.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 劉夢溪, "馬一浮與國學" 三聯書店 2018

      2 嘉靖, "靑州府志"

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      4 雍正, "陝西通志"

      5 杜佑, "通典" 中華書局 1988

      6 袁枚, "袁枚全集新編" 浙江古籍出版社 2015

      7 乾隆, "衡州府志"

      8 道光, "衡山縣志"

      9 光緖, "藍田縣志"

      10 洪邁, "萬首唐人絶句詩, 叢書集成初編本"

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      2 嘉靖, "靑州府志"

      3 楊鴻年, "隋唐宮廷建築考" 陝西人民出版社 1992

      4 雍正, "陝西通志"

      5 杜佑, "通典" 中華書局 1988

      6 袁枚, "袁枚全集新編" 浙江古籍出版社 2015

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      9 光緖, "藍田縣志"

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