In this article, the retinal images are classifi ed into either healthy or DR using the proposed EVGG deep learning architecture.
This proposed method consists of Gabor transform module, data augmentation module, classifi cation module along with hemo...
In this article, the retinal images are classifi ed into either healthy or DR using the proposed EVGG deep learning architecture.
This proposed method consists of Gabor transform module, data augmentation module, classifi cation module along with hemorrhages segmentation module. The Gabor transform is used to transform the spatial pixel coordinates into multi resolution pixel coordinates. Then, the data augmentation methods are applied on the Gabor image to increase the image counts. The EVGG architecture is proposed in this work to classify the retinal image into either healthy or DR. Finally, the hemorrhages are segmented in DR retinal images. The proposed DR image classifi cation system is applied and tested on the retinal images on DIARETDB1 and HRF datasets. The performance of the proposed hemorrhages segmentation algorithm is evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specifi city and accuracy. The experimental results of the proposed method stated in this article are signifi cantly compared with other similar works.