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      특집논문 : 아포하론의 새로운 분류에 대한 고찰 = A Re-examination of New Classification of Apoha Theory



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      최근에 디그나가와 다르마끼르띠, 그리고 다르못따라의 아포하를 각 각 외적인 아포하, 내적인 아포하,비외비내적인 아포하로 분류하는 새로운 시각의 아포하론 연구가 제시되었다.그러나 ...

      최근에 디그나가와 다르마끼르띠, 그리고 다르못따라의 아포하를 각 각 외적인 아포하, 내적인 아포하,비외비내적인 아포하로 분류하는 새로운 시각의 아포하론 연구가 제시되었다.그러나 이러한 분류는 아포 하론에 대한 새로운 이해인 동시에 몇 가지 점에서 오해의 가능성을 내 포하고 있기도 하다.우선 디그나가의 경우,언어는 언어관습에 기반 해 서 배제된 그룹의 공통성,즉 보편개념을 지칭한다는 점에서 외적이라 고 단정하기는 어렵다.또한 다르마끼르띠의 경우,언어의 직접적인 대 상인 지 내부의 형상과 간접적인 대상인 외계의 대상은 동일한 결과를 갖지 않는 것으로부터 배제된다는 점에서 동일성을 갖는다.인간은 대 상에 대한 기대를 배반하지 않는 인식에 의해 자신의 목적을 달성하기 때문이다.이와 같이 언어의 효용성에 촛점을 맞추는 다르마끼르띠의 아포하론 역시 내적이라고 규정하기엔 무리가 있어 보인다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      It has been suggested, by recent research results, that in Dignaga`s view, a word denotes an entity qualified by exclusion and thus operates externally, and Dharmakirti regards apoha as an extension of internal cognition itself that appears as if exte...

      It has been suggested, by recent research results, that in Dignaga`s view, a word denotes an entity qualified by exclusion and thus operates externally, and Dharmakirti regards apoha as an extension of internal cognition itself that appears as if external being influenced by various residual impressions, whereas Dharmottara denies any kind of existential possibility of apoha and regards apoha as exists neither internally nor externally. This classification is, However, not only new understanding of apoha theory but also has the potential for misunderstanding some respects. First, Dignaga has to rely on verbal convention as the final recourse to explain our act of grouping similar things together. Therefore, it is hard to believe that Dignaga regards apoha theory as an externally In the opinion of Dharmakirti`s view, perceptual objects and conceptual objects has the unification (ekikarana, or ekatva) that arises through conceptual error, in terms of that individuals which by nature have the same effect and which are excluded from other things not having the same effect are the cause of this kind of conceptual cognition. Because of, as some scholars have pointed out, humans obtain practical activity on the basis of a cognition which does not deceive our expectation toward its object (avisamvadijnanam). Therefore, it is difficult to prove that Dharmakirti regards apoha theory as an internally. And Dharmakirti`s focus upon the usefulness of language.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 片岡 啓, "言語哲学–アポーハ論, In 認識論と論理学" シリーズ大乗仏教9春秋社 2012

      2 赤松明彦, "ダルマキールティのアポーハ論" 京都哲学會 416 (416): 963-991, 1980

      3 桂 紹隆, "インド人の論理学ー問答法から帰納法へー" 中央公論社 1442 : 1998

      4 Matilal, Bimal Krishna, "The word and the world: India's contribution to the study of language" Oxford University Press 1990

      5 Katsura, Syoryu, "The Apoha Theory of Dignāga" 28 (28): 16-20, 1979

      6 Hattori, Masaaki, "The Apoha Theory as Referred to in the Nyāyamañjarī, In Apoha : Buddhist nominalism and human cognition" Columbia University Press 2011

      7 Kobayashi, Hisayasu, "Prajñākaragupta’s Interpretation of svalakṣaṇa" 59 (59): 2011

      8 "PVSV. Pramāṇavārttikasvavṛtti (Dharmakīrti): Raniero Gnoli. The Pramāṇavārttikam of Dharmakīrti, the first chapter with the autocommentary, text and critical notes"

      9 Ernst Steinkellner, "PSV. Pramāṇasamuccaya (Dignāga)"

      10 Ishida Hisataka, "On the classification of anyāpoha"

      1 片岡 啓, "言語哲学–アポーハ論, In 認識論と論理学" シリーズ大乗仏教9春秋社 2012

      2 赤松明彦, "ダルマキールティのアポーハ論" 京都哲学會 416 (416): 963-991, 1980

      3 桂 紹隆, "インド人の論理学ー問答法から帰納法へー" 中央公論社 1442 : 1998

      4 Matilal, Bimal Krishna, "The word and the world: India's contribution to the study of language" Oxford University Press 1990

      5 Katsura, Syoryu, "The Apoha Theory of Dignāga" 28 (28): 16-20, 1979

      6 Hattori, Masaaki, "The Apoha Theory as Referred to in the Nyāyamañjarī, In Apoha : Buddhist nominalism and human cognition" Columbia University Press 2011

      7 Kobayashi, Hisayasu, "Prajñākaragupta’s Interpretation of svalakṣaṇa" 59 (59): 2011

      8 "PVSV. Pramāṇavārttikasvavṛtti (Dharmakīrti): Raniero Gnoli. The Pramāṇavārttikam of Dharmakīrti, the first chapter with the autocommentary, text and critical notes"

      9 Ernst Steinkellner, "PSV. Pramāṇasamuccaya (Dignāga)"

      10 Ishida Hisataka, "On the classification of anyāpoha"

      11 Tillemans, Tom, "How to Talk About Ineffable Things: Dignāga and Dharmakīrti on Apoha, In Apoha : Buddhist nominalism and human cognition" Columbia University Press 2011

      12 Pind, Ole, "Dignāga’s Philosophy of Language - Dignāga on anyāpoha" Universität Wien 2009

      13 Hattori, Masaaki, "Dignāga, on Perception, being the Pratyakṣapariccheda of Dignāga's “Pramāṇasamuccaya” from the Sanskrit Fragments and the Tibetan Versions, In Harvard Oriental Series 47" Harvard University Press 1968

      14 赤松明彦, "DharmottaraのApoha論再考–– Jñānaśrīmitraの批判から––" 33 (33): 334-340, 1984

      15 Siderits, Mark, "Apoha : Buddhist nominalism and human cognition" Columbia University Press 2011

      16 Kataoka, Kei, "A Critical Edition of Bhaṭṭa Jayanta's Nyāyamañjarī: The Section on Kumārila's Refutation of the Apoha Theory" 154 : 2008

      17 Kataoka, Kei, "A Critical Edition of Bhaṭṭa Jayanta's Nyāyamañjarī: The Buddhist Refutation of Kumarila's Criticism of Apoha" 156 : 2009


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