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      KCI등재 SCOPUS

      Economics During Global Recession: Sharia-Economics as a Post COVID-19 Agenda



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This research is a literacy study regarding the implementation and management of the economic role of haria as a new strategy in overcoming the problem of the global financial crisis that has hit the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research metho...

      This research is a literacy study regarding the implementation and management of the economic role of haria as a new strategy in overcoming the problem of the global financial crisis that has hit the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method comes from previous studies to compare the capitalist, socialist, and sharia economic systems. In response to various economic uncertainties, both internal and external, the ability to seize opportunities and transform has become the key to economic resilience. Islamic economics can be an alternative in responding to the dynamics of the global and national economy. Several things need to be taken into consideration in fulfilling the sharia economy and the primary strategy chosen must come from the inputs given by the stakeholders, including business actors, associations, regulators as well as experts, and academicians. The primary strategy in implementing the sharia economy also requires the support of various parties in order to develop sustainability. Strengthening regulation and governance is one of the fundamental factors. Optimization of the sharia economy based social sector such as Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, and Waqaf can be optimized both for collection and distribution so that the concept of sharing can certainly support the development and the economy both nationally and globally.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Abstract
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Sharia, Capitalist, Socialist as Economic-Systems
      • 3. Capitalist Making Us Grow-Up, andMaking Falling Us Too
      • 4. Sharia Economic as a New Wave Strategy
      • Abstract
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Sharia, Capitalist, Socialist as Economic-Systems
      • 3. Capitalist Making Us Grow-Up, andMaking Falling Us Too
      • 4. Sharia Economic as a New Wave Strategy
      • 4.1. Sharia Economic Mechanisms andManagement
      • 4.2. Implementation of Economy Sharia
      • 4.3. Discussion: Opportunities and Challenges
      • 5. Conclusion
      • References

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 Kuran, T., "The discontents of Islamic economic morality" 86 (86): 438-442, 1996

      2 Pryor, F. L., "The Islamic economic system" 9 (9): 197-223, 1985

      3 Karamat KHAN, "The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Stock Markets: An Empirical Analysis of World Major Stock Indices" 한국유통과학회 7 (7): 463-474, 2020

      4 Barata, A., "Strengthening national economic growth and equitable income through sharia digital economy in Indonesia" 5 (5): 145-168, 2019

      5 Paolo Pietro Biancone, "Sharia-Compliant financing for public utility infrastructure" Elsevier BV 52 : 88-94, 2018

      6 Ahmed A. Elamer, "Sharia supervisory boards, governance structures and operational risk disclosures: Evidence from Islamic banks in MENA countries" Elsevier BV 46 : 100488-, 2020

      7 Naushad ALAM, "Service Quality Perception and Customer Satisfaction in Islamic Banks of Oman" 한국유통과학회 7 (7): 499-504, 2020

      8 Prasetya, Y. S., "Riba and the injustice of the economic system of capitalism : A theoretical study" 2 (2): 472-493, 2015

      9 Shinsuke, N., "Resuscitation of the antique economic system or novel sustainable system? Revitalization of the traditional islamic economic institutions(waqf and zakat)in the postmodern era" 7 : 3-19, 2014

      10 Md. Kausar ALAM, "Problems of Shariah Governance Framework and Different Bodies: An Empirical Investigation of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh" 한국유통과학회 7 (7): 265-276, 2020

      1 Kuran, T., "The discontents of Islamic economic morality" 86 (86): 438-442, 1996

      2 Pryor, F. L., "The Islamic economic system" 9 (9): 197-223, 1985

      3 Karamat KHAN, "The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Stock Markets: An Empirical Analysis of World Major Stock Indices" 한국유통과학회 7 (7): 463-474, 2020

      4 Barata, A., "Strengthening national economic growth and equitable income through sharia digital economy in Indonesia" 5 (5): 145-168, 2019

      5 Paolo Pietro Biancone, "Sharia-Compliant financing for public utility infrastructure" Elsevier BV 52 : 88-94, 2018

      6 Ahmed A. Elamer, "Sharia supervisory boards, governance structures and operational risk disclosures: Evidence from Islamic banks in MENA countries" Elsevier BV 46 : 100488-, 2020

      7 Naushad ALAM, "Service Quality Perception and Customer Satisfaction in Islamic Banks of Oman" 한국유통과학회 7 (7): 499-504, 2020

      8 Prasetya, Y. S., "Riba and the injustice of the economic system of capitalism : A theoretical study" 2 (2): 472-493, 2015

      9 Shinsuke, N., "Resuscitation of the antique economic system or novel sustainable system? Revitalization of the traditional islamic economic institutions(waqf and zakat)in the postmodern era" 7 : 3-19, 2014

      10 Md. Kausar ALAM, "Problems of Shariah Governance Framework and Different Bodies: An Empirical Investigation of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh" 한국유통과학회 7 (7): 265-276, 2020

      11 Arafah, W., "Maqhashid sharia in clean water financing business model at Islamic bank" 5 (5): 22-32, 2016

      12 Noorzoy, M. S., "Islamic laws on riba(interest)and their economic implications" 14 (14): 3-17, 1982

      13 Anya KHANTHAVIT, "Foreign Investors’ Abnormal Trading Behavior in the Time of COVID-19" 한국유통과학회 7 (7): 63-74, 2020

      14 Jarrah F. AL-MANSOUR, "Coronavirus ‘COVID-19’ – Supply Chain Disruption and Implications for Strategy, Economy, and Management" 한국유통과학회 7 (7): 659-672, 2020

      15 Faisal Alnori, "Capital structure and speed of adjustment in non-financial firms: Does sharia compliance matter? Evidence from Saudi Arabia" Elsevier BV 39 : 50-67, 2019

      16 Mohammed Bashir Ribadu, "An integrated approach towards Sharia compliance E-commerce trust" Emerald 15 (15): 1-6, 2019

      17 Mosab I. TABASH, "An Empirical Investigation on the Relation between Disclosure and Financial Performance of Islamic Banks in the United Arab Emirates" 한국유통과학회 6 (6): 27-35, 2019

      18 Md. Kausar ALAM, "A Central Shariah Regulatory Authority for the Islamic Banks in Bangladesh: Legalization or Formation" 한국유통과학회 7 (7): 91-100, 2020


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