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      근대적 중앙은행제도로서의 제정 한국은행법: 검토 및 평가 = The Bank of Korea Act Enacted as an Apparatus for Modern Central Banking: A Review and Evaluation

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The Bank of Korea began its operation on June 12, 1950, with the Bank of Korea Act established a month or so earlier. Thus was first introduced to Korea modern central banking in the real sense of the word. The Bloomfield Mission, consisting of A. Blo...

      The Bank of Korea began its operation on June 12, 1950, with the Bank of Korea Act established a month or so earlier. Thus was first introduced to Korea modern central banking in the real sense of the word. The Bloomfield Mission, consisting of A. Bloomfield and J. Jensen of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, spent about six months drafting a bill, which finally became the Bank of Korea Act. Little has been known yet about the process leading to the creation of the Mission and the historical context surrounding it, except that F. Tamagna of the Federal Reserve Board made in his capacity of the ECA’s representative the offer of technical assistance to the Korean government.
      This paper attempts to dig deeper into relevant historical records and literature to fill these gaps. As it happened, the confrontation between the US and the USSR was accelerating towards the end of 1940s. The paper’s new findings include that the Bloomfield Mission was, together with the ECA Mission to Korea, a product of the then US foreign policy (Cold War policy) and that the former Mission’s technical assistance was conceived and provided all along as part of the inflation stabilization program pursued by the latter Mission. The Bloomfield Mission was after all a historical necessity.
      Next, the paper examines the changes added to the bill during its journey to becoming the Bank of Korea Act enacted in May 1950, presenting a review of the Act. The paper further evaluates the Act in terms of legal persistence, finding that the revised Act currently in force still substantially resembles the Act enacted 70 years ago from now. Finally in order is a brief discussion on those factors which seem to have contributed much to such persistence and thus apparent excellence of the Act enacted.


      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      한국은행법 제정(1950.5.5)과 한국은행 설립(1950.6.12)으로 우리나라 최초의 근대적 중앙은행제도가 도입되었다. 연준 직원 2명(블룸필드 미션: A. Bloomfield와 J. Jensen)이 1949년9월 방한하여 약 반년...

      한국은행법 제정(1950.5.5)과 한국은행 설립(1950.6.12)으로 우리나라 최초의 근대적 중앙은행제도가 도입되었다. 연준 직원 2명(블룸필드 미션: A. Bloomfield와 J. Jensen)이 1949년9월 방한하여 약 반년 동안 작성한 법률 초안이 제정 한국은행법의 모태였다. 그럼에도, 블룸필드 미션이 기술지원을 수행하게 된 경위나 시대적 맥락에 대한 본격적 분석은 지금껏거의 없는 것으로 보인다. 연준이사회 직원이던 타마냐(F. Tamagna)가 미국 ECA 대표 자격으로 제시한 제안을 한국정부가 받아들였다는 정도의 사실만 알려져 있을 뿐이다.
      이 글은 우선 사료(史料)를 통해 블룸필드 미션의 성립 경위를 재구성하고 당시의 시대적맥락을 파악하고자 시도한다. 1949~50년은 미 ․ 소 대립 속에 전 세계가 냉전으로 치닫던 시기였다. 이 글은 블룸필드 미션이 당시 대한 부흥원조당국이던 주한ECA와 함께 미국 대외정책(냉전정책)의 산물이었다는 점과, 동 미션의 기술지원이 처음부터 주한ECA가 추진하던경제안정화 프로그램의 일환으로 구상 ․ 편제되었다는 점을 새롭게 밝힌다. 당시의 시대적상황을 여건으로 본다면, 이러한 사실은 블룸필드 미션이 역사적 필연이었음을 시사한다.
      다음으로, 이 글은 블룸필드 미션의 법률 초안이 완성되는 과정과 재무부로 제출된 동 초안이 정부 검토를 거쳐 국회로 부의된 후 본회의를 통과하기까지의 과정을 각각 조명한 후제정 한국은행법의 핵심 내용을 검토한다. 한편, 이 글은 법률적 지속성의 관점에서 현행한국은행법 조문 대부분에서 제정법이 지금도 살아 숨 쉬고 있음을 확인한다. 끝으로, 양질의 제정법이 나오는 데에 기여한 것으로 보이는 다섯 가지 주된 요인도 논의한다.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 김유택, "회상 65년" 합동통신사 1977

      2 강만수, "현장에서 본 한국경제 30년; 부가세에서 IMF사태까지" 삼성경제연구소 2005

      3 조명근, "해방 후 한국중앙은행제도 개편 논의 ―조선은행안과 재무부안을 중심으로―" 고려사학회 (28) : 209-241, 2007

      4 김보현, "한미원조협정, 『한국민족문화대백과사전』" 한국학중앙연구원

      5 한국은행 법규제도실, "한국은행법 해설"

      6 한국은행, "한국은행법 제정사(制定史)"

      7 한국은행, "한국은행법 제정 자료집(한글본) , 제3권"

      8 한국은행, "한국은행법 제정 자료집(한글본) , 제2권"

      9 한국은행, "한국은행법 제정 자료집(한글본) , 제1권"

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      1 김유택, "회상 65년" 합동통신사 1977

      2 강만수, "현장에서 본 한국경제 30년; 부가세에서 IMF사태까지" 삼성경제연구소 2005

      3 조명근, "해방 후 한국중앙은행제도 개편 논의 ―조선은행안과 재무부안을 중심으로―" 고려사학회 (28) : 209-241, 2007

      4 김보현, "한미원조협정, 『한국민족문화대백과사전』" 한국학중앙연구원

      5 한국은행 법규제도실, "한국은행법 해설"

      6 한국은행, "한국은행법 제정사(制定史)"

      7 한국은행, "한국은행법 제정 자료집(한글본) , 제3권"

      8 한국은행, "한국은행법 제정 자료집(한글본) , 제2권"

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      38 조명근, "일제하 조선은행 연구-중앙은행 제도의 식민지적 변용-" 아연출판부 2019

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      43 국사편찬위원회, "미국의 대한원조관계문서 , 제1집"

      44 박태균, "미국의 대한경제부흥정책의 성격(1948~1950)" 27 : 76-111, 1998

      45 김홍범, "미국 연방준비제도와 정부 및 의회와의 관계 : 역사적 검토" 4 (4): 81-112, 1998

      46 대한민국정부 공보처, "대한민국과 미합중국 간의 원조협정"

      47 이현진, "대한민국 정부의 ECA 원조 도입과 운영" 6 : 188-216, 1997

      48 김점숙, "대한민국 정부수립 초기, 경제부흥계획의 성격" 한국사학회 (73) : 167-205, 2004

      49 한국은행 금융통화위원회, "「한국은행정관」, 제1차 금융통화위원회 의결록"

      50 Ehrlich, Edna E., "「한국은행법」․ 「은행법」 제정 상황에 대한 뉴욕연준의 의견서"

      51 대한민국정부, "「한국은행법(안)」, 국무회의부의안"

      52 최종고, "“에른스트 프랭켈(Ernst Fraenkel),” 한국에 온 서양법률가 ⑫" 44-52, 1981

      53 Fraenkel, Ernst, "“블룸필드 ․ 젠센의 「한국은행법」 초안에 대한 프랭켈의 법률의견서,” Untitled Memorandum drawn up in the author’s capacity of Legal Advisor to the Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) Mission to Korea (주한경제협력처 법률고문), and addressed to Mr. Bloomfield and Mr. Jensen"

      54 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "“「한국은행법」 초안에 대한 의견 요청서,” Untitled Letter addressed to Mr. Loren (Dr. Stevens), Dr. Fraenkel, and to Mr. R. D. Smith"

      55 Strong, Gordon, "“To the Officer in Charge of the American Mission, Seoul, Korea,” Reply drafted in response to the American Mission’s despatch No. 108and proposed for comments from the Treasury Department, ECA, and the Federal Reserve Board, available as: Transmittal slip sent by Mr. G. Strong at the Department of State to Mr. A. Stuart at the Department of Treasury dated January 12, 1949"

      56 Young, Ralph A., "“System Policy in Providing Technical Assistance in the Foreign Area,” To Board of Governors, Box 31, Folder 2, Item 7"

      57 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "“Revisions in Act Establishing the Bank of Korea,” Letter addressed to Dr. Kim and Dr. Chey"

      58 Tamagna, Frank M., "“Report on Financial Mission to Korea,” National Advisory Council Staff Document No. 334, May 23, 1949, available in: “Country Files, 1934-52,” RG 56 General Records of the Department of the Treasury" 국립중앙도서관

      59 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "“Recommendations regarding Central Banking Reform in Korea,” Report submitted to the Government of the Republic of Korea"

      60 Szymczak, Menc S., "“Foreign Missions,” Memoranda sent the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Box 31, Folder 2, Item 4, Marriner S. Eccles Paper"

      61 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "“An Act Establishing the Bank of Korea,” Draft Act, Federal Reserve Bank of New York"

      62 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "“A Report on Monetary Policy and Banking in Korea,”Report submitted to Mr. William E. Warne, United Nations Command Economic Coordinator, and to Mr. Kim Yu Taik"

      63 Jensen, John P., "Untitled Letter, together with Related Documents, addressed to Mr. Roelse H. V., Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York"

      64 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "Untitled Letter addressed to and drawn up in response to Mr. Lee Ho Sang’s letter of February 11"

      65 Carpenter, S. R., "Untitled Letter addressed to Kim, Do Yun"

      66 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "Untitled Letter addressed to Henry Wallich, [material retrieved and received as of February 1, 2020 from Arthur I. Bloomfield Papers held at the Rare Books, Manuscript, and Special Collection Library of the Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA (henceforth AIBP), Box 6c.1]"

      67 Kim, Do Yun, "Untitled Letter addressed to Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System"

      68 Winterhalt, Kevin Ray, "Truman’s New Deal: Point Four and the Genesis of Modern Global Development" 4 (4): 1-8, 2018

      69 Acheson, Dean G., "The Far East and Australasia, Vol.Ⅶ, Part 2" Foreign Relations of the United States 1113-1115, 1949

      70 National Security Council, "The Far East and Australasia, Vol.Ⅶ, Part 2" Foreign Relations of the United States 970-979, 1949

      71 Muccio, John J., "The Far East and Australasia, Vol.Ⅶ, Part 2" Foreign Relations of the United States 1097-1100, 1949

      72 Souers, Sidney W., "The Far East and Australasia, Vol.Ⅵ" Foreign Relations of the United States 1164-1170, 1948

      73 Saltzman, Charles E., "The Far East and Australasia, Vol.Ⅵ" Foreign Relations of the United States 1293-1299, 1948

      74 Truman, Harry S., "The Far East and Australasia, Vol.Ⅵ" Foreign Relations of the United States 1288-1289, 1948

      75 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "The Controversy between the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Korea"

      76 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "Some Problems of Central Banking in Underdeveloped Countries" 12 (12): 190-204, 1957

      77 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "Report and Recommendations on Banking in South Korea"

      78 Alacevich, Michele, "Money Doctoring after World War II : Arthur I. Bloomfield and the Federal Reserve Missions to South Korea" 41 (41): 249-270, 2009

      79 The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, "Minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System" 32 : 2-, 1945

      80 The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, "Minutes of Actions Taken by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System" 36 : 1949

      81 The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, "Minutes of Actions Taken by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System" 36 : 1949

      82 The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, "Minutes of Actions Taken by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System" 36 : 1949

      83 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "Korean Central Bank Legislation"

      84 Muccio, John J., "Korea, Vol.Ⅶ" Foreign Relations of the United States 9-12, 1950

      85 Acheson, Dean G., "Korea, Vol.Ⅶ" Foreign Relations of the United States 44-45, 1950

      86 Foster, William C., "Korea, Vol.Ⅶ" Foreign Relations of the United States 36-37, 1950

      87 Bank for International Settlements, "Issues in the Governance of Central Banks" Central Bank Governance Group 2009

      88 Hammond, Bray, "Foreign Missions of the Federal Reserve System,”Memorandum sent to the Chairman [Eccles], Box 31, Folder 2, Item 5, Marriner S. Eccles Papers"

      89 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "Essays in the History of International Trade Theory" Edward Elgar 1994

      90 Kemmerer, Edwin W., "Economic Advisory Work for Governments" 17 (17): 1-12, 1927

      91 Goodhart, "Charles, A. E., The Evolution of Central Banks" The MIT Press 1988

      92 Kim, Byong Kuk, "Central Banking Experience in a Developing Economy: Case Study of Korea" The Korean Research Center 1965

      93 Helleiner, Eric, "Central Bankers as Good Neighbors : US Money Doctors in Latin America during the 1940s" 16 (16): 5-25, 2009

      94 Sproul, Allan, "Banking Reform in South Korea" Research Department of the Bank of Korea 1963

      95 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "Banking Reform in South Korea" Research Department of the Bank of Korea 1963

      96 Richardson, Gary, "Banking Act of 1935" Federal Reserve History

      97 Bloomfield, Arthur I., "Appraisal of Mr. Jensen’s Work in Korea"

      98 Alacevich, Michele, "American Power and Policy" Palgrave-Macmillan 243-266, 2009

      99 조선은행, "4282년판 경제연감"

      100 권혁은, "1950년 한미경제안정위원회의 설립과 안정화정책의 성격" 서울대학교 대학원 2012

      101 Hoffman, Paul G., ""Economic Cooperation Administration : Functions and Organization, "F" 4 : 5-, 1949















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      2007-01-01 평가 등재학술지 유지 (등재유지) KCI등재
      2005-05-12 학술지등록 한글명 : 경제분석
      외국어명 : Economic Analysis
      2005-01-01 평가 등재학술지 유지 (등재유지) KCI등재
      2002-07-01 평가 등재학술지 선정 (등재후보2차) KCI등재
      2000-01-01 평가 등재후보학술지 선정 (신규평가) KCI등재후보

      학술지 인용정보

      학술지 인용정보
      기준연도 WOS-KCI 통합IF(2년) KCIF(2년) KCIF(3년)
      2016 0.45 0.45 0.43
      KCIF(4년) KCIF(5년) 중심성지수(3년) 즉시성지수
      0.49 0.5 0.934 0.07

      이 자료와 함께 이용한 RISS 자료

      나만을 위한 추천자료
