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1 송채린, "소아 요관류의 다양한 수술적 치료에 대한 임상 결과 고찰" 대한비뇨기과학회 46 (46): 823-828, 2005
2 Griffin J, "Ultrasonic evaluation of simple and ectopic ureterocele" 34 : 55-57, 1983
3 Coplen DE, "The modern approach to ureteroceles" 153 : 166-171, 1995
4 Van Savage JG, "The impact of prenatal sonography on the morbidity and outcome of patients with renal duplication anomalies" 153 : 768-770, 1995
5 Feldman S, "Surgical management of ectopic ureterocele" 17 : 252-256, 1981
6 Glassberg KI, "Suggested terminology for duplex system, ectopic ureters and ureteroceles" 132 : 1153-1154, 1984
7 Sen S, "Renal function and vesicoureteric reflux in children with ureteroceles" 7 : 192-194, 1992
8 Hulbert WC, "Prenatal diagnosis of duplex system hydronephrosis: effect on renal salvage" 51 : 23-26, 1998
9 Shankar KR, "Outcome of patients with prenatally detected duplex system ureterocele; natural history of those managed expectantly" 165 : 1226-1228, 2001
10 Han MY, "Indications for nonoperative management of ureteroceles" 174 : 1652-1656, 2005
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