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5 LI-COR Inc., "LI-Cor Sensor Instruction Manual" 2005
6 Rea M., "IESNA lighting handbook 9th edition" 2002
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10 Knez I., "Effect of indoor lighting, gender and age on mood and cognitive performance" 32 : 817-831, 2000
1 Kim S., "The impact of daylight fluctuation on a daylight dimming control system in a small office" ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA 39 (39): 935-944, 2007
2 Bellia L., "Lighting in indoor environment : Visual and non-visual effects of light sources with different spectiral power distribution" 28 : 1984-1992, 2011
3 Eklund N., "Lighting and sustained perforance; modeling data-entry task performance" (Summer) : 126-141, 2001
4 Newsham G., "Lighitng quality recommendations for VDF offices; a new method of derivation" 33 : 97-116, 2001
5 LI-COR Inc., "LI-Cor Sensor Instruction Manual" 2005
6 Rea M., "IESNA lighting handbook 9th edition" 2002
7 Boyce P., "Human factors in lighting" Taylor Francis 2003
8 Boray P., "Effects of warm white, cool white and full specturm fluorescent lighting on simple cognitive performance, moodand rating of others" 9 : 207-308, 1989
9 Grocoff P., "Effects of correlated color temperature on perceived visual comfort" The University of Michigan 1996
10 Knez I., "Effect of indoor lighting, gender and age on mood and cognitive performance" 32 : 817-831, 2000
11 Lee J., "Analyses on human responses to illuminnace for resident-friendly lighting environment in a small office" 22 : 535-550, 2014