1 Hori, "Robust and adaptive control of a servomotor using low precision shaft encoder" 73-78, 1993.
2 Ishikawa, "Pivot friction compensation using an accelerometer and a disturbance observer for hard disk drives" 3 (3): 194-201, 1998
3 Lee, "Improved velocity estimation for low-speed and transient regimes using low-Resolution Encoders" 9 (9): 553-560, 2004.
4 Kim, "Fabrication of Optical Micro-Encoder Chips for Sub-Micron Displacement Measurements" 16 (16): 74-81, 1999
5 Belanger, "Estimation of angular velocity and acceleration from shaft-encoder measurements Int" 17 (17): 1225-1233, 1998.
6 Dunworth, "Digital instrumentation for angular velocity and acceleration" im-18 (im-18): 132-138, 1969.
7 Brown, "Analysis of algorithms for velocity estimation from discrete position versus time data" 39 : 11-19, 1992.
8 Lee, "Acceleration estimation for low-velocity and low-acceleration regions based on encoder position data" 6 (6): 58-64, 2001.
9 T, "A microprocessor-controlled high-accuracy wide-range speed regulator for motor drives" ie-29 : 207-211, 1982.
10 Saito, "A microprocessor controlled speed regulator with instantaneous speed estimation for motor drives" 35 : 95-99, 1988.
1 Hori, "Robust and adaptive control of a servomotor using low precision shaft encoder" 73-78, 1993.
2 Ishikawa, "Pivot friction compensation using an accelerometer and a disturbance observer for hard disk drives" 3 (3): 194-201, 1998
3 Lee, "Improved velocity estimation for low-speed and transient regimes using low-Resolution Encoders" 9 (9): 553-560, 2004.
4 Kim, "Fabrication of Optical Micro-Encoder Chips for Sub-Micron Displacement Measurements" 16 (16): 74-81, 1999
5 Belanger, "Estimation of angular velocity and acceleration from shaft-encoder measurements Int" 17 (17): 1225-1233, 1998.
6 Dunworth, "Digital instrumentation for angular velocity and acceleration" im-18 (im-18): 132-138, 1969.
7 Brown, "Analysis of algorithms for velocity estimation from discrete position versus time data" 39 : 11-19, 1992.
8 Lee, "Acceleration estimation for low-velocity and low-acceleration regions based on encoder position data" 6 (6): 58-64, 2001.
9 T, "A microprocessor-controlled high-accuracy wide-range speed regulator for motor drives" ie-29 : 207-211, 1982.
10 Saito, "A microprocessor controlled speed regulator with instantaneous speed estimation for motor drives" 35 : 95-99, 1988.