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      지역산업정책 형성과정에서의 경로의존성 : 대구권 산업발전로드맵 수립과정의 경험 = Path Dependence in the Formation Process of Industrial Policy in Region : The Experiences of Daegu RIRM's Establishing Process



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      경로의존성 또는 관련 개념들이 최근 다양한 학문분야의 연구에 적용되고 있다. 산업조직 및 산업기술전략, 인간의 의사결정행태 및 관행, 사회 거버넌스, 정치제도연구 그리고 리더십과 경...

      경로의존성 또는 관련 개념들이 최근 다양한 학문분야의 연구에 적용되고 있다. 산업조직 및 산업기술전략, 인간의 의사결정행태 및 관행, 사회 거버넌스, 정치제도연구 그리고 리더십과 경영전략 등의 논의에서 경로의존성 관련 논의를 어렵지 않게 찾아볼 수 있다. 지역연구에 있어서 경로의존성은 지역의 진화적 발전 내지 지역혁신체제의 발전과정에서 두드러지게 나타나고 있고, 관련 분석이 확대되고 있다. 경로의존성 논의가 지역성장 과정 및 그 메커니즘을 파악하는 데 핵심적 사안이라면, 지역산업정책 형성과정에서 경로의존성의 존재여부 및 관계를 분석해 볼 필요가 있다. 지역산업정책이 형성되는 과정에 대한 실제적인 관찰 및 분석을 위하여 산업연구원의 지역별 산업발전 로드맵 수립지침(안), 대구권 산업발전 로드맵 수립 연구추진계획(안), 그리고 관련 회의록 자료 등을 이용한다. 관련 자료들을 분석한 결과, 대구권 산업발전 로드맵 수립과정의 경우 경로의존성이 상당부분 지배적으로 나타나고 있고, 새로운 흐름이라 할 수 있는 경로창조성이나 적응성 흐름 등은 상당히 제한적으로 나타나고 있다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The concept of path dependence has been promoted in recent years as a cornerstone for the researches of many disciplines. The notion of path dependence, or some variant of it, is now widely employed in the researches of industrial organization and ind...

      The concept of path dependence has been promoted in recent years as a cornerstone for the researches of many disciplines. The notion of path dependence, or some variant of it, is now widely employed in the researches of industrial organization and industrial technology strategies, decision-making behaviour and practices, social governance, political institutions, leadership and management strategies, and so on. In the regional studies, the concept of path dependence is often applied to the researches of an evolutionary development of region and of an evolutionary RIS(Regional Innovation System). The tendency has been seemingly expanded. Given its essential characteristics in the analysis of regional growth mechanism, we find the necessity of the concept in the formation process of industrial policy in region. According to the results of the analysis, it seems to be clear that there are the obvious characteristics of path dependence in the establishing process of Daegu RIRM, whilst there are limited evidences in constructing the characteristics of path creation and adaptation.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 대구전략산업기획단, "대구권 산업발전 로드맵(RIRM)수립 연구추진계획(안)"

      3 Hirsch,P.M., "“Unpacking Path Dependence : Differential Valuations Accorded History Across Disciplines” in Path Dependence and Creation" Lawrence Erlbaum 69-90, 2001

      4 Grabher,G, "“The Weakness of Strong Ties- the ‘Lock-in’ of Regional Development in the Ruhr Area” in The Embedded Firm-On the Socio-Economics of Industrial Networks" Routledge 1993

      5 Storper,M, "“The Resurgence of Regional Economies Ten Years Later: the Region as a Nexus of Untraded Interdependencies" Sage Publications 2 : 191-221, 1995

      6 Arthur,W.B.,, "“Path Dependent Processes and the Emergence of Macrostructure”" Elsevier 30 : 294-303, 1987

      7 David,P.A, "“Path Dependence in Economic Processes: Implications for Policy Analysis in Dynamical Systems Contexts” in The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics" Cambridge Univ. Press 151-194, 2005

      8 Martin,R., "“Path Dependence and Regional Economic Evolution”" Oxford Univ. Press 6 : 395-437, 2006

      9 Garud,R., "“Path Creation as a Process of Mindful Deviation” in Dependence and Creation" Lawrence Erlbaum 1-38, 2001

      10 Krugman,P, "“History and Industry Location: the Case of Manufacturing Belt”" American Economic Association 81 : 80-83, 2001

      1 산업연구원, "지역별 산업발전 로드맵 수립 지침(안)"

      2 대구전략산업기획단, "대구권 산업발전 로드맵(RIRM)수립 연구추진계획(안)"

      3 Hirsch,P.M., "“Unpacking Path Dependence : Differential Valuations Accorded History Across Disciplines” in Path Dependence and Creation" Lawrence Erlbaum 69-90, 2001

      4 Grabher,G, "“The Weakness of Strong Ties- the ‘Lock-in’ of Regional Development in the Ruhr Area” in The Embedded Firm-On the Socio-Economics of Industrial Networks" Routledge 1993

      5 Storper,M, "“The Resurgence of Regional Economies Ten Years Later: the Region as a Nexus of Untraded Interdependencies" Sage Publications 2 : 191-221, 1995

      6 Arthur,W.B.,, "“Path Dependent Processes and the Emergence of Macrostructure”" Elsevier 30 : 294-303, 1987

      7 David,P.A, "“Path Dependence in Economic Processes: Implications for Policy Analysis in Dynamical Systems Contexts” in The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics" Cambridge Univ. Press 151-194, 2005

      8 Martin,R., "“Path Dependence and Regional Economic Evolution”" Oxford Univ. Press 6 : 395-437, 2006

      9 Garud,R., "“Path Creation as a Process of Mindful Deviation” in Dependence and Creation" Lawrence Erlbaum 1-38, 2001

      10 Krugman,P, "“History and Industry Location: the Case of Manufacturing Belt”" American Economic Association 81 : 80-83, 2001

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      20 Setterfield,M, "Rapid Growth and Relative Decline : Modelling Macroeconomic Dynamics with Hysteresis" Macmillan 1997

      21 Liebowitz,S.J., "Network Externality:An Uncommon Tragedy" Economic Association 8 : 133-150, 1994

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      24 Arthur,W.B., "Increasing Returns and the New World of Business. 지식자본주의 혁명." 21세기 북스 161-184, 1999

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      26 Krugman,P, "Geography and Trade" Leuven Univ. Press and MIT Press 1991

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      33 Liebowitz,S.J, ""Path Dependence,‘Lock-in’ and History"." Oxford Univ. Press 11 : 205-225, 1995















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