1 로즈마리 통, "페미니즘 사상"
2 왈쩌 마이클, "정의와 다원적 평등" 철학과 현실사 181-, 1999
3 슐라미스 화이어스톤, "성의 변증법" 풀빛 226-, 1993
4 구인회, "생명윤리의 철학" 철학과 현실사 236-251, 2002
5 O’ Brien Mary, "The Politics of Reproduction" Routledge and Kegan Paul 35-36, 1981
6 Corea, "The Mother Machine" Harper and Row 276-, 1985
7 Lublin Nancy, "Pandora’s Box Feminism Confronts Reproductive Technology" Rowman & Littlefield 1998
8 Rich Adrienne, "Of woman Born" W.W. Norton 111-, 1979
9 Overall, "Human Reproduction: Principles, Practices and Policies" Oxford University Press 1993
10 Tong, Rosemarie, "Feminist Approaches to Bioethics" Westview Press 1997
1 로즈마리 통, "페미니즘 사상"
2 왈쩌 마이클, "정의와 다원적 평등" 철학과 현실사 181-, 1999
3 슐라미스 화이어스톤, "성의 변증법" 풀빛 226-, 1993
4 구인회, "생명윤리의 철학" 철학과 현실사 236-251, 2002
5 O’ Brien Mary, "The Politics of Reproduction" Routledge and Kegan Paul 35-36, 1981
6 Corea, "The Mother Machine" Harper and Row 276-, 1985
7 Lublin Nancy, "Pandora’s Box Feminism Confronts Reproductive Technology" Rowman & Littlefield 1998
8 Rich Adrienne, "Of woman Born" W.W. Norton 111-, 1979
9 Overall, "Human Reproduction: Principles, Practices and Policies" Oxford University Press 1993
10 Tong, Rosemarie, "Feminist Approaches to Bioethics" Westview Press 1997