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      대학생 학습동기와 어휘 학습전략이 영어 읽기와 듣기 능력에 미치는 영향 -항공서비스학과 학생을 중심으로- = A Study on the Effects of English Learning Motivation and English Vocabulary Learning Strategies on English Listening and Reading Proficiency -Airline Service College Students`



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The primary object of this study was to investigate the effects of airline service college students’ Motivations, cocabulary learning strategies and their reading and listening proficiency on their English learning. The first purpose was the relationship between airline seroice college students’ motivations and their learning strategies. The secondary purpose of this study was to know the students’ motivations regarding their reading and listening proficiency. The third purpose of this was to explore the relationship between their learning stragegies and their reading and listening proficiency. In this study, the use of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation of learning motivations and learning strategies were departed memorization strategies and meaning discovery strategies. The results of the regression correlation analyses showed that the extrinsic motivation significantly did not affect the meaning discovery strategies, but affected the cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies of memorization strategies. Also, it was found that the intrinsic motivation made a significant impact on the social strategies and memory strategies of memorization strategies. The extrinsic motivation significantly affected the English reading proficiency and the intrinsic motivation significantly affected the English listening proficiency. Specifically, meaning discovery strategies of learning strategies significantly affected both the students’ English reading and listening proficiency, whereas metacognitive strategies of memorization strategies significantly affected the English reading proficiency. This result shows that professors need to motivate their airline-service college students and build their English vocabulary for their reading and listening proficiency. Therefore the professors have to improve their students’ English ability before having student management.

      The primary object of this study was to investigate the effects of airline service college students’ Motivations, cocabulary learning strategies and their reading and listening proficiency on their English learning. The first purpose was the relatio...

      The primary object of this study was to investigate the effects of airline service college students’ Motivations, cocabulary learning strategies and their reading and listening proficiency on their English learning. The first purpose was the relationship between airline seroice college students’ motivations and their learning strategies. The secondary purpose of this study was to know the students’ motivations regarding their reading and listening proficiency. The third purpose of this was to explore the relationship between their learning stragegies and their reading and listening proficiency. In this study, the use of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation of learning motivations and learning strategies were departed memorization strategies and meaning discovery strategies. The results of the regression correlation analyses showed that the extrinsic motivation significantly did not affect the meaning discovery strategies, but affected the cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies of memorization strategies. Also, it was found that the intrinsic motivation made a significant impact on the social strategies and memory strategies of memorization strategies. The extrinsic motivation significantly affected the English reading proficiency and the intrinsic motivation significantly affected the English listening proficiency. Specifically, meaning discovery strategies of learning strategies significantly affected both the students’ English reading and listening proficiency, whereas metacognitive strategies of memorization strategies significantly affected the English reading proficiency. This result shows that professors need to motivate their airline-service college students and build their English vocabulary for their reading and listening proficiency. Therefore the professors have to improve their students’ English ability before having student management.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 정동빈, "초등학교 6학년 학생들의 영어듣기·읽기능력 평가도구 개발" 한국현대영어영문학회 51 (51): 197-220, 2007

      3 김성은, "중학생의 영어 어휘 학습전략과 영어 읽기 능력의 상관관계" 대한언어학회 15 (15): 109-122, 2007

      4 이인철, "원어민 보조교사 활용이 중학교 영어 듣기 교육에 미치는 영향 연구" 한국중등영어교육학회 6 (6): 99-134, 2013

      5 신미영, "요구분석을 근거로 한 개념ㆍ기능 교수요목 설계와 학년별 단원구성의 예—중학교 영어과정을 중심으로—" 한국중앙영어영문학회 54 (54): 217-254, 2012

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      10 임미란, "대학생들의 어휘전략사용과 영어듣기, 읽기능력과의 상관관계" 21세기영어영문학회 22 (22): 215-233, 2009

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      4 이인철, "원어민 보조교사 활용이 중학교 영어 듣기 교육에 미치는 영향 연구" 한국중등영어교육학회 6 (6): 99-134, 2013

      5 신미영, "요구분석을 근거로 한 개념ㆍ기능 교수요목 설계와 학년별 단원구성의 예—중학교 영어과정을 중심으로—" 한국중앙영어영문학회 54 (54): 217-254, 2012

      6 김영미, "예비 항공서비스 산업체 종사자들의 TOEIC 성적 향상을 위한 학습책략" 35 : 7-29, 2007

      7 최훈, "영어강의 수강 대학생들의 영어 학습동기와 학습전략의 상관관계 연구" 대한영어영문학회 36 (36): 347-373, 2010

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      10 임미란, "대학생들의 어휘전략사용과 영어듣기, 읽기능력과의 상관관계" 21세기영어영문학회 22 (22): 215-233, 2009

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