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      한국고대사에서 ‘접경’ 연구 현황과 과제 = The performance and future direction of studies relating to the “Contact Zone” in the ancient history of Korea

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study examined the approach of studies relating to the “contact zone”, or boundary, in the ancient history of Korea; the study grasped future tasks and the direction of investigation of this ancient history. There have been previous studies on this contact zone in the ancient history of Korea; some academic articles use the phrase “contact zone” in their titles, while others mention it in their tables of contents or their contents. There are also studies that do not use the term “contact zone” but which regard it in a similar critical way.
      The contact zone in the ancient history of Korea largely means the boundary between states. The subjects of investigation are addressed with a focus on such problems as the sphere of influence or the border line. Therefore, we focused on areas in which territorial wars occurred in an intensive way among the ancient Three States or on areas in which military conflicts with Chinese dynasties occurred. For the most part, the border was approached as a concept of a military demarcation line related to the belongingness of the territory.
      But a problem has recently been raised as to boundaries between states in ancient times, and people have begun to take notice of the historical meaning of the borderland. Therefore, some suggest that the border should be reinterpreted as a composite space in which heterogeneous cultures met and fused rather than as an area of military conflicts.
      The concept of the contact zone has still not been established in the ancient history of Korea. The establishment of what the contact zone actually was should precede attempts to understand it. There is also a need to set the category of the borderland. And based on this understanding, there is a further need to develop a concrete understanding of the function or historical meaning of the ancient border. There is also a need to study the specific actual situation in the contact zone, that is, the contact zone community, and to extend related study to the internal border as well as the external border.

      This study examined the approach of studies relating to the “contact zone”, or boundary, in the ancient history of Korea; the study grasped future tasks and the direction of investigation of this ancient history. There have been previous studies o...

      This study examined the approach of studies relating to the “contact zone”, or boundary, in the ancient history of Korea; the study grasped future tasks and the direction of investigation of this ancient history. There have been previous studies on this contact zone in the ancient history of Korea; some academic articles use the phrase “contact zone” in their titles, while others mention it in their tables of contents or their contents. There are also studies that do not use the term “contact zone” but which regard it in a similar critical way.
      The contact zone in the ancient history of Korea largely means the boundary between states. The subjects of investigation are addressed with a focus on such problems as the sphere of influence or the border line. Therefore, we focused on areas in which territorial wars occurred in an intensive way among the ancient Three States or on areas in which military conflicts with Chinese dynasties occurred. For the most part, the border was approached as a concept of a military demarcation line related to the belongingness of the territory.
      But a problem has recently been raised as to boundaries between states in ancient times, and people have begun to take notice of the historical meaning of the borderland. Therefore, some suggest that the border should be reinterpreted as a composite space in which heterogeneous cultures met and fused rather than as an area of military conflicts.
      The concept of the contact zone has still not been established in the ancient history of Korea. The establishment of what the contact zone actually was should precede attempts to understand it. There is also a need to set the category of the borderland. And based on this understanding, there is a further need to develop a concrete understanding of the function or historical meaning of the ancient border. There is also a need to study the specific actual situation in the contact zone, that is, the contact zone community, and to extend related study to the internal border as well as the external border.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 박순발, "한국 고대사에서 종족성의 인식" 한국고대사학회 (44) : 5-19, 2006

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      7 이동희, "한국 고대 사국의 국경선" 서경문화사 2008

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      1 김재윤, "한중러 접경지역 철기시대 단결-크로우노프카 문화범위에 대한 검토" 한국상고사학회 93 (93): 109-142, 2016

      2 박순발, "한국 고대사에서 종족성의 인식" 한국고대사학회 (44) : 5-19, 2006

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      5 조효식, "한국 고대 사국의 국경선" 서경문화사 2008

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      7 이동희, "한국 고대 사국의 국경선" 서경문화사 2008

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      9 김재윤, "한-중-러 접경지역 신석기 고고문화의 변천" 부산고고학연구회 (14) : 1-24, 2014

      10 박성현, "특집총론:한국 고대의 국경과 변경" 한국역사연구회 (82) : 17-25, 2011

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      13 박성현, "특집논문:5~6세기 고구려·신라의 경계와 그 양상" 한국역사연구회 (82) : 57-96, 2011

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      18 연민수, "전통시대 동아시아의 외교와 변경기구" 2013

      19 이성제, "전통시대 동아시아의 외교와 변경기구" 동북아역사재단 2013

      20 송문섭, "안동 지역 신라 변경 고분 연구" 동양대학교 대학원 2013

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      24 진인진, "백제의 변경-화천 원천리유적" 한림고고학연구소 2016

      25 권오영, "백제 변경에서 확인되는 왕경인의 물질문화" 한국상고사학회 67 (67): 91-114, 2010

      26 오영찬, "낙랑인연구-고조선계와 한계의 종족융합을 통한 낙랑인의 형성" 사계절 2006

      27 임지헌, "근대의 국경 역사의 변경" 휴머니스트 2004

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      45 여호규, "5세기 후반~6세기 중엽 高句麗와 百濟의 국경 변천" 백제문화연구소 1 (1): 129-152, 2013

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