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      Exploring Village Level for the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: the Case of Korea’s Saemaul Women’s Association



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore village level for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Originality: The originality of this paper is to fill the literature and prac...

      Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore village level for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on gender equality and women’s empowerment.
      Originality: The originality of this paper is to fill the literature and practice gaps on discussing how to implement the SDGs, by investigating the feasibility and importance of village level.
      Methodology: Based on historical institutionalism, this paper incorporates both case study and the analysis of archival materials. The novelty of this methodology comes from interpreting the archival materials, written memoirs of female Saemaul Women’s Association leaders from three different villages.
      Result: Saemaul Women’s Association, a government-initiated community development program for Koreas’ rural areas, has contributed to enhancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. Through the activities of Saemaul Women’s Association, women have begun to participate in the collective activities at the village level, departing away from their previously-confined space, household. Conclusion and Implication: This historical case study of Saemaul Women’s Association raises village level as the unit of implementation for the SDG on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Adopting village level enables women on the ground to voice their opinions and empower themselves. So far, dominantly, the approach to the international cooperation and development has been one-sided from developed countries to developing countries, resulting in the neglect of diverse and heterogenous contexts across countries of different development levels. In this regard, this research, adopting village level, stresses the context diversity could be a significant driver of development.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 엄석진, "동원과 참여 사이에서: 1970년대 농촌 새마을운동 과정에서의 지방공무원의 역할" 한국행정학회 45 (45): 97-122, 2011

      3 Mundy, Karen, "Transnational Advocacy, Global Civil Society? Emerging Evidence from the Field of Education" 45 (45): 85-126, 2001

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      9 Sonn, Jung Won, "South Korea's Saemaul (New Village) Movement: An Organisational Technology for the Production of Developmentalist Subjects" 34 (34): 22-36, 2013

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      1 소진광, "지역사회 거버넌스와 한국의 새마을운동" 한국지방자치학회 19 (19): 93-112, 2007

      2 엄석진, "동원과 참여 사이에서: 1970년대 농촌 새마을운동 과정에서의 지방공무원의 역할" 한국행정학회 45 (45): 97-122, 2011

      3 Mundy, Karen, "Transnational Advocacy, Global Civil Society? Emerging Evidence from the Field of Education" 45 (45): 85-126, 2001

      4 Immergut, Ellen M, "The Theoretical Core of the New Institutionalism" 26 (26): 5-34, 1998

      5 Bernard, Jessie, "The Sociology of Community" Scott Foresman Publisher 1973

      6 Douglass, Mike, "The Saemaul Undong: South Korea's Rural Development Miracle in Historical Perspective"

      7 Gupta, Monica Das, "State-Communiity Synergies in Community- Driven Development" 40 (40): 27-58, 2004

      8 Gupta, Monica Das, "State Policies and Women’s Autonomy in China, India, and the Republic of Korea, 1950–2000: Lessons from Contrasting Experiences" World Bank 2000

      9 Sonn, Jung Won, "South Korea's Saemaul (New Village) Movement: An Organisational Technology for the Production of Developmentalist Subjects" 34 (34): 22-36, 2013

      10 Dahl, Robert A, "On Democracy" Yale University Press 1998

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