For a long time, Christianity has repeatedly existed as an opponent and as a friend of art and imagery. Can arts and imagination nurture Christianity or does it confuse people and make them believe imagery to be a truth? Theologians have thought that ...
For a long time, Christianity has repeatedly existed as an opponent and as a friend of art and imagery. Can arts and imagination nurture Christianity or does it confuse people and make them believe imagery to be a truth? Theologians have thought that imagery and arts were regarded as an illusion that could keep people from thinking theologically. However, theologians as well as other Christians have begun to pay attention to imagery and arts. To see the sacrament through arts and imagery might be phenomenal as well as controversial. But, when we apply artistry and imagery to the sacraments of the church, it can give us an opportunity to rediscover the history which has been forgotten and neglected by the majority of the church and the academy.
Moreover, we have to acknowledge that the Christian tradition and the theological glossaries and images are closely related to artistic imagination. Thus, the sacramental teaching instilled with the artistic imagination can give us a new and deeper understanding of liturgy. Liturgy cannot be separated from artistry and imagination. In addition to the new understanding of liturgy, the new method can transform Christian Education which has become a routine and has emphasized the scientific explanation of Christian doctrines.
Furthermore, the new method can recall the duty of all Christians to God: to be an artist. The life of each Christian which is instilled with a calling of being artist will become a genre of art. The life of the participant of liturgy is a medium between art and liturgy. To put it plainly, life is an art itself. A person, both a Christian and an artist, is yearning for beauty which is God's will. Therefore, it can be defined that a Christian will try to fulfill God's obligation with all of their life when they realize that they are not only a Christian, but an artist.