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    RISS 인기검색어

      The Legal landscape



      • 저자
      • 발행사항

        New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1993

      • 발행연도


      • 작성언어


      • 주제어
      • DDC


      • ISBN


      • 자료형태


      • 발행국(도시)

        New York(State)

      • 서명/저자사항

        The Legal landscape / Richard C. Smardon and James P. Karp ; with graphic assistance from Scott S. Shannon.

      • 형태사항

        xvi, 287 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.

      • 일반주기명

        "Guidelines for regulating environmental and aesthetic
        Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

      • 소장기관
        • 경북대학교 중앙도서관 소장기관정보
        • 계명대학교 동산도서관 소장기관정보
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      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • CONTENTS
      • Chapter 1 The Nature and Sources of Law = 3
      • Law and Legal Process = 3
      • Confluence of State and Federal Law = 4
      • CONTENTS
      • Chapter 1 The Nature and Sources of Law = 3
      • Law and Legal Process = 3
      • Confluence of State and Federal Law = 4
      • Classifications of Law = 4
      • Civil versus Criminal = 4
      • Procedural and Substantive Law = 4
      • Legislative Process = 5
      • Administrative Process = 5
      • Judicial Process = 6
      • Federal Courts = 6
      • State Courts = 6
      • References = 6
      • Chapter 2 Managing the Community Landscape = 7
      • Regulatory Standards = 7
      • Context for Community Landscape Analysis = 8
      • Community Planning Context = 9
      • Community Landscape Decision-Making Framework = 10
      • Plan of the Book = 12
      • References = 13
      • Chapter 3 The Evolution of Law and Aesthetics = 14
      • Applicable Law = 14
      • Powers Inherent in the Sovereign = 14
      • Eminent Domain = 14
      • Police Power = 14
      • Constitution = 15
      • Legislation = 15
      • Common Law = 15
      • Judicial History of Aesthetics-Based Regulation = 16
      • The Birth and Infancy of Aesthetics in Land Use Regulation = 16
      • The Supreme Court Decisions = 17
      • State Court Decisions = 17
      • State Constitutions = 17
      • State Statutes = 18
      • Local Ordinances = 19
      • The Evolution in the Meaning of Aesthetics = 20
      • Visual Beauty = 20
      • Prevention of Harm = 21
      • Shared Human Values = 22
      • Environmental Harmony = 23
      • References = 24
      • Chapter 4 Current Status of Aesthetics, State by State = 25
      • Alabama = 25
      • Alaska = 25
      • Arizona = 25
      • Arkansas = 27
      • California = 28
      • Colorado = 28
      • Connecticut = 28
      • Delaware = 29
      • District of Columbia = 29
      • Florida = 29
      • Georgia = 30
      • Hawaii = 30
      • Idaho = 30
      • Illinois = 30
      • Indiana = 31
      • Iowa = 31
      • Kansas = 31
      • Kentucky = 32
      • Louisiana = 32
      • Maine = 32
      • Maryland = 33
      • Massachusetts = 33
      • Michigan = 33
      • Minnesota = 34
      • Mississippi = 34
      • Missouri = 34
      • Montana = 35
      • Nebraska = 35
      • Nevada = 35
      • New Hampshire = 35
      • New Jersey = 35
      • New Mexico = 36
      • New York = 36
      • North Carolina = 36
      • North Dakota = 37
      • Ohio = 37
      • Oklahoma = 37
      • Oregon = 38
      • Pennsylvania = 38
      • Rhode Island = 39
      • South Carolina = 39
      • South Dakota = 39
      • Tennessee = 39
      • Texas = 39
      • Utah = 40
      • Vermont = 40
      • Virginia = 40
      • Washington = 41
      • West Virginia = 41
      • Wisconsin = 41
      • Wyoming = 41
      • References = 42
      • Chapter 5 Zoning and Land Use Control = 45
      • Traditional Methods of Land Use Control = 45
      • Common Law = 45
      • Property Rights and Responsibilities = 45
      • Planning Boards = 46
      • The Police Power = 47
      • From Police Power in General to Comprehensive Zoning = 48
      • Comprehensive Zoning and Comprehensive Planning = 49
      • Aesthetics, Zoning, and Land Use Control History = 50
      • Early Period: Traditional Disregard = 50
      • A New Trend Toward Valid Consideration = 50
      • Aesthetics as "Auxiliary" Consideration = 51
      • Aesthetics as Economic Well-Being = 51
      • Aesthetics Within the Term "General Welfare" = 52
      • Aesthetics (Alone) Warrants Exercise of the Police Power = 53
      • Aesthetic or Scenic Inventories and Analysis = 54
      • Citizen Preference Surveys = 54
      • CASE STUDY: Dennis, Massachusetts, Visual Survey for Comprehensive Planning = 54
      • Introduction = 54
      • Procedure = 55
      • Results = 55
      • Conceptual Classification of Landscapes = 55
      • Marsh and Wooded Landscapes = 56
      • Beach and Water Landscapes = 56
      • Suburban Development = 56
      • Developed Open Land = 57
      • Commercial and Municipal Landscapes = 57
      • High-Density Residential Landscapes = 58
      • Judgments of Scenic Value = 58
      • The Scenic Value of Landscape Types = 59
      • Summary and Implementation = 60
      • References = 61
      • Chapter 6 Architectural Regulation, Preservation, and Design Review = 63
      • Introduction = 63
      • Themes for Preservation = 65
      • Preservation as "Inspiration" = 65
      • Preservation for Architectural Merit = 66
      • Preservation for Community = 66
      • Application Contexts for Architectural Control = 67
      • Legal Issues and Architectural Control = 69
      • Design Review = 71
      • Design Review in Historic Areas = 71
      • Demolition, Alteration, and New Construction = 72
      • Setting Review Standards 72
      • Narrowing Broad Review Standards 73
      • Standards Found in Background Documents = 74
      • Procedural Safeguards = 74
      • Administering Design Review = 74
      • Design Review Beyond Historic Areas = 74
      • Special Legal Issues for Nonhistoric Design Review = 75
      • Developments = 75
      • Implementing Design Review = 76
      • CASE STUDY: Visual Architectural Review in San Francisco = 76
      • Height and Bulk Controls = 76
      • Height Controls 76
      • Bulk Controls = 76
      • Critical Analysis 76
      • Landmarks Ordinance = 77
      • Critical Analysis = 77
      • Environmental Review = 77
      • California Environmental Quality Act = 77
      • Critical Analysis = 77
      • Discretionary Review = 77
      • Urban Design Plans = 78
      • Informal Design Consultation 78
      • Discretionary Review Power = 78
      • Summary: 1967-1972 Plans and Processes = 78
      • The Role of the U.C.-Berkeley Environmental Simulation Laboratory 78
      • Skyline Views = 79
      • Street-Level Views = 79
      • The Downtown Plan of 1984-1985 = 79
      • References = 79
      • Chapter 7 Outdoor Advertising and Sign Control = 81
      • Introduction = 81
      • Early History of Sign Regulation = 81
      • The Highway Beautification Act: The Federal Effort = 84
      • The Legal Requirements of the Act = 84
      • Cash Compensation to Sign Owners = 85
      • Methods to Force Compliance with Local Laws = 85
      • Commercial and Industrial Zones = 86
      • Size and Spacing Standards = 86
      • Tree Cutting = 87
      • State Efforts and Billboard Control = 87
      • Recent Trends in Local Sign Regulation = 87
      • Constitutional and Other Legal Issues Involved with Sign Control = 88
      • The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech = 88
      • First Amendment Guidelines = 89
      • Fifth Amendment Issues = 89
      • Regulation of an Easement of View = 90
      • Alternatives to Traditional Signage = 90
      • Logos:"Specific Information Signs" = 91
      • State-Designated Directional Signs = 91
      • Sign Plazas = 91
      • Tourist Information Centers = 92
      • Local Sign Control Alternatives = 92
      • CASE STUDY: Visual Analysis and Application: North Syracuse Signage Study = 92
      • References = 96
      • Chapter 8 Scenic View Protection = 97
      • Introduction = 97
      • History of View Protection = 97
      • View Protection Mechanisms = 100
      • Special Districts and Zoning = 100
      • Architectural Review = 100
      • Environmental Project Review = 101
      • Scenic Easements = 101
      • Scenic Byway Programs = 102
      • Urban Entryways = 102
      • View Protection: The Controversies = 103
      • Legal Issues and View Protection = 103
      • Scenic Easements and Eminent Domain = 105
      • CASE STUDY: St. Lawrence River Scenic Access Study = 106
      • Documenting Visual Occupancy = 106
      • Determining View Quality = 107
      • Results = 107
      • Recommendations = 107
      • References = 121
      • Chapter 9 Wilderness and Natural Area Preservation = 125
      • Introduction = 125
      • Wilderness and Natural Areas = 126
      • Exclusiveness = 129
      • The Purist's Controversy = 130
      • The Compatibility Issue = 130
      • Other Federal and State Programs = 132
      • Wild and Scenic Rivers = 133
      • Legal Issues = 136
      • Scenic Trails = 137
      • Legal Issues = 139
      • State Legislation and Scenic Trails = 139
      • Specific Land Areas = 140
      • Bi-State and Regional Scenic Areas = 141
      • CASE STUDY. Alpine Lakes Wilderness Appraisal = 143
      • Introduction = 143
      • Real Estate Valuation Methodology = 143
      • The Valuation Process = 144
      • Step 1: The Appraisal Process = 144
      • Step 2: Preliminary Survey = 144
      • Step 3: Data Program = 144
      • Step 4: Alternative Use Determination = 145
      • Step 5: Most Probable Use Determination = 145
      • Step 6: Most Probable Buyer Determination = 145
      • Step 7: Choice and Application of Appraisal Method = 145
      • Choice of Appraisal Method = 145
      • Establishing Comparative Wilderness Scores = 146
      • The Wilderness Evaluation System (WES) = 147
      • System Structure = 147
      • Data Sources = 148
      • Attribute Weighting = 148
      • Significance and Results = 148
      • References = 149
      • Chapter 10 Regulation of Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Resources = 151
      • Introduction = 151
      • Sensitive Area Management and Regulation = 151
      • Coastal Zone Management/Shoreline Regulation = 151
      • Legal Decisions on Shoreland Protection = 155
      • Wetland Regulation and Aesthetic Values = 155
      • Federal Programs Affecting Wetlands = 156
      • State Programs Affecting Wetlands = 158
      • Local Regulation of Wetlands = 159
      • Regulatory Approaches and Techniques = 160
      • Critical Wetland Court Cases = 160
      • Hillside Protection = 162
      • Resource-Specific Legislation and Programs = 162
      • Air Quality = 162
      • Water Quality = 166
      • Water Quantity = 168
      • Archeological Resources = 171
      • Wildlife Resources = 172
      • Other Acts Protecting Aesthetic Rights = 173
      • CASE STUDY: Assessment of Amenity Wetland Values in Juneau, Alaska = 173
      • Juneau's Situation 173
      • Methods = 173
      • Visual Presentation = 175
      • Results = 175
      • Wetland Scenic Quality = 175
      • Criteria Ratings = 178
      • Comparison with Other Wetland Functions = 178
      • Conclusions = 179
      • References = 180
      • Chapter 11 Aesthetic Project Review = 182
      • Introduction = 182
      • Project Review History: Development of Public Injury and Standing = 182
      • Standing Rule Analyzed = 183
      • Federal and State Statutes Guiding Aesthetic Project Review = 184
      • Meeting Legal Issues-The National Environmental Policy Act = 186
      • Legal Requirements: Section 4(f) Lands = 187
      • Legal Issues: State and Mini-NEPA's and Project Review = 189
      • Visual/Aesthetic Impact Assessment: The State-of-the-Art = 191
      • Development of Visual Resource Management (VRM) Systems = 192
      • VRM Methods for Landscape Planning = 194
      • Scoping the Visual Impact Assessment = 195
      • CEQ Regulations and Scoping = 195
      • New York's State Environmental Quality Review Act: Visual Scoping Process = 196
      • Detailed Visual Impact Assessment = 199
      • CASE STUDY: Oregon Inlet Jetty Assessment = 201
      • Background = 201
      • Approach = 202
      • Results = 206
      • References = 207
      • Chapter 12 Surface Mining = 209
      • Introduction = 209
      • Types of Surface Mining = 209
      • Visual Impacts and Problems from Surface Mining = 211
      • State Surface Mining Control Statutes = 212
      • Federal Surface Mining Statutes and Programs = 214
      • Legal and Constitutional Issues = 215
      • Earlier Federal Acts = 216
      • Wilderness and Mining = 218
      • Mining and the National Environmental Policy Act = 220
      • Specific Statutes for Specific Lands = 221
      • CASE STUDY: Death Valley National Monument = 223
      • Background and Context = 223
      • Analysis and Study Approach = 224
      • Results = 225
      • References = 228
      • Chapter 13 Timber Harvesting and Vegetation Protection = 230
      • Timber Harvesting = 230
      • Timber Harvesting Methods = 232
      • Logging Systems = 232
      • Development of Approaches for Forest Aesthetics = 233
      • State Forest Practice Laws = 235
      • Local Tree Protection Ordinances = 238
      • Legal Challenges to Tree Ordinances = 239
      • Trees on Public Property = 239
      • Trees on Private Property = 240
      • Landscaping Ordinances = 240
      • CASE STUDY: Visual Project Analysis for the Allegheny National Forest = 241
      • Procedure = 241
      • Step 1: Inventory = 241
      • Step 2: Sorting Questions = 241
      • Step 3: Visual Absorption Capability = 242
      • Step 4: Visual Quality Objective = 242
      • Step 5: Landscape Management Guides = 242
      • Conclusion = 243
      • References = 243
      • Chapter 14 Facility Siting = 245
      • Introduction = 245
      • Major Power Plant Litigation and Conflict = 245
      • Siting Problems of Electric Power Plants = 247
      • Federal Laws and Procedures for Facility Siting = 249
      • State Regulation of Facility Siting and Corridors = 250
      • Methodology Development for Facility Siting = 252
      • CASE STUDY: Greene County Nuclear Power Plant = 252
      • Introduction and Regulatory Context = 252
      • Assessment Technique = 252
      • Evaluation of the Extent of Scenic Quality = 253
      • Scenic Features and Misfits = 253
      • Model of Scenic Quality and Visibility = 253
      • Modeling Result = 253
      • Simulation of Plant and Plume = 253
      • Visual Preference Survey = 253
      • Historic and Cultural Context = 254
      • Summary = 257
      • References = 257
      • Ⅳ Law and Aesthetics in Practice
      • Chapter 15 Litigation and Aesthetic Analysis = 261
      • Introduction = 261
      • The Role(s) of the Expert Witness/Analyst = 261
      • Typical Sequence of Events = 262
      • CASE STUDY: Ice Age National Reserve, Wisconsin = 267
      • Introduction and Background = 267
      • Conditions of the Site = 268
      • Procedure = 268
      • Techniques Employed = 271
      • Findings = 274
      • Recommendations = 274
      • Epilogue: Commission Ruling = 274
      • References = 275
      • Chapter 16 The Legal Landscape: Issues and Trends = 276
      • Introduction = 276
      • Review of Major Progressions and Trends = 276
      • Will the Liberal Trends Continue? = 276
      • Legal-Philosophical Dilemmas = 277
      • Elitism versus the Common Man = 277
      • Uniform Precedent versus Contextualism = 277
      • Administrative Management Stability versus Shifting Public Value Systems = 277
      • In Search of Contextual Harmony = 278
      • References = 278
      • Index = 279
      • Author/Subject Index = 279
      • Court Case/Law Index = 285
      • About the Authors = 288














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