The propose of this study was to determine the relation between the attitudes toward physical education according to obesity in elementary school children. Subjects were randomal selected gluster group for this study and were 250 student in Chong-ju c...
The propose of this study was to determine the relation between the attitudes toward physical education according to obesity in elementary school children. Subjects were randomal selected gluster group for this study and were 250 student in Chong-ju city. The data were analyzed by SPSS, specifically by dealing with means, standard deviation, t-test one-way ANOVA The conclusion of this study was at follows; Significant difference on attitudes was found between an obesity and a non-obesity. Significant difference was found in social experience, health and fitness, vertige, catharsis, ascetic between two groups (p$lt;05). Significant findings on, attitudes in physical education according to a degree of obesity were a follows; Significant difference was found in social experience, hialth and fitness, vertige, aesthetic, catharsis, ascetic among high, middle, low obesities(p$lt;.05).