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1 진인기, "화자변수가 건청성인의 어음청각검사 인지도에 미치는 영향" 한국청각언어재활학회 6 (6): 19-24, 2010
2 Plomp R, "The negative effect of amplitude compression in multichannel hearing aids in the light of the modulation-transfer function" 83 : 2322-2327, 1988
3 Dunn HK, "Statistical measurements on conversational speech" 11 : 278-288, 1940
4 Kendall T, "Speech rate, pause and sociolinguistic variation: studies in corpus sociophonetics" Palgrave Macmillan 2013
5 Croghan NB, "Quality and loudness judgments for music subjected to compression limiting" 132 : 1177-1188, 2012
6 Studebaker GA, "Monosyllabic word recognition at higher-than-normal speech and noise levels" 105 : 2431-2444, 1999
7 Studebaker GA, "Frequency-importance and transfer functions for the Auditec of St. Louis recordings of the NU-6 word test" 36 : 799-807, 1993
8 French NR, "Factors governing the intelligibility of speech sounds" 19 : 90-119, 1947
9 Jin IK, "Dynamic range for speech materials in korean, english, and mandarin: a cross-language comparison" 57 : 2024-2030, 2014
10 Jang HS, "Development of Korean Standard Sentence Lists for sentence recognition tests" 4 : 161-177, 2008
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