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      KCI등재 SCOPUS

      The Dynamic Range for Korean Standard Sentence Material: A Gender Comparison in a Male and a Female Speakers



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Background and Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify differences between the dynamic ranges (DRs) of male and female speakers using Korean standard sentence material.
      Consideration was especially given to effects within the predefined segmentalized frequency- bands. Materials and Methods: We used Korean standard sentence lists for adults as stimuli. Each sentence was normalized to a root-mean-square of 65 dB sound pressure level. The sentences were then modified to ensure there were no pauses, and the modified sentences were passed through a filter bank in order to perform the frequency analysis. Finally, the DR was quantified using a histogram that showed the cumulative envelope distribution levels of the speech in each frequency band. Results: In DRs that were averaged across all frequency bands, there were no significant differences between the male and the female speakers. However, when considering effects within the predefined frequency bands, there were significant differences in several frequency bands between the DRs of male speech and those of female speech. Conclusions: This study shows that the DR of speech for the male speaker differed from the female speaker in nine frequency bands among 21 frequency bands. These observed differences suggest that a standardized DR of male speech in the band-audibility function of the speech intelligibility index may differ from that of female speech derived in the same way. Further studies are required to derive standardized DRs for Korean speakers.

      Background and Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify differences between the dynamic ranges (DRs) of male and female speakers using Korean standard sentence material. Consideration was especially given to effects within the predefined ...

      Background and Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify differences between the dynamic ranges (DRs) of male and female speakers using Korean standard sentence material.
      Consideration was especially given to effects within the predefined segmentalized frequency- bands. Materials and Methods: We used Korean standard sentence lists for adults as stimuli. Each sentence was normalized to a root-mean-square of 65 dB sound pressure level. The sentences were then modified to ensure there were no pauses, and the modified sentences were passed through a filter bank in order to perform the frequency analysis. Finally, the DR was quantified using a histogram that showed the cumulative envelope distribution levels of the speech in each frequency band. Results: In DRs that were averaged across all frequency bands, there were no significant differences between the male and the female speakers. However, when considering effects within the predefined frequency bands, there were significant differences in several frequency bands between the DRs of male speech and those of female speech. Conclusions: This study shows that the DR of speech for the male speaker differed from the female speaker in nine frequency bands among 21 frequency bands. These observed differences suggest that a standardized DR of male speech in the band-audibility function of the speech intelligibility index may differ from that of female speech derived in the same way. Further studies are required to derive standardized DRs for Korean speakers.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 진인기, "화자변수가 건청성인의 어음청각검사 인지도에 미치는 영향" 한국청각언어재활학회 6 (6): 19-24, 2010

      2 Plomp R, "The negative effect of amplitude compression in multichannel hearing aids in the light of the modulation-transfer function" 83 : 2322-2327, 1988

      3 Dunn HK, "Statistical measurements on conversational speech" 11 : 278-288, 1940

      4 Kendall T, "Speech rate, pause and sociolinguistic variation: studies in corpus sociophonetics" Palgrave Macmillan 2013

      5 Croghan NB, "Quality and loudness judgments for music subjected to compression limiting" 132 : 1177-1188, 2012

      6 Studebaker GA, "Monosyllabic word recognition at higher-than-normal speech and noise levels" 105 : 2431-2444, 1999

      7 Studebaker GA, "Frequency-importance and transfer functions for the Auditec of St. Louis recordings of the NU-6 word test" 36 : 799-807, 1993

      8 French NR, "Factors governing the intelligibility of speech sounds" 19 : 90-119, 1947

      9 Jin IK, "Dynamic range for speech materials in korean, english, and mandarin: a cross-language comparison" 57 : 2024-2030, 2014

      10 Jang HS, "Development of Korean Standard Sentence Lists for sentence recognition tests" 4 : 161-177, 2008

      1 진인기, "화자변수가 건청성인의 어음청각검사 인지도에 미치는 영향" 한국청각언어재활학회 6 (6): 19-24, 2010

      2 Plomp R, "The negative effect of amplitude compression in multichannel hearing aids in the light of the modulation-transfer function" 83 : 2322-2327, 1988

      3 Dunn HK, "Statistical measurements on conversational speech" 11 : 278-288, 1940

      4 Kendall T, "Speech rate, pause and sociolinguistic variation: studies in corpus sociophonetics" Palgrave Macmillan 2013

      5 Croghan NB, "Quality and loudness judgments for music subjected to compression limiting" 132 : 1177-1188, 2012

      6 Studebaker GA, "Monosyllabic word recognition at higher-than-normal speech and noise levels" 105 : 2431-2444, 1999

      7 Studebaker GA, "Frequency-importance and transfer functions for the Auditec of St. Louis recordings of the NU-6 word test" 36 : 799-807, 1993

      8 French NR, "Factors governing the intelligibility of speech sounds" 19 : 90-119, 1947

      9 Jin IK, "Dynamic range for speech materials in korean, english, and mandarin: a cross-language comparison" 57 : 2024-2030, 2014

      10 Jang HS, "Development of Korean Standard Sentence Lists for sentence recognition tests" 4 : 161-177, 2008

      11 Klatt DH, "Analysis, synthesis, and perception of voice quality variations among female and male talkers" 87 : 820-857, 1990

      12 Byrne D, "An international comparison of long-term average speech spectra" 96 : 2108-2120, 1994

      13 American National Standards Institute, "ANSI S3.5-1997 (R2007):Methods for calculation of the speech intelligibility index"

      14 Yang B, "A comparative study of American English and Korean vowels produced by male and female speakers" 24 : 245-261, 1996


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