1 이자원, "영화선정에 관한 연구" 1 : 47-64, 2000
2 백종학, "디즈니 만화영화를 통한 영어 학습과 사회적 편견의 형성" 2 (2): 24-44, 2001
3 Dodds,Dinah, "Using film to build writing proficiency in a second-year language class" 30 (30): 140-147, 1997
4 Omaggio-Hadley,A, "Teaching language in context:Proficiency -oriented instruction" Heinle & Heinle Publishers 1986
5 Seelye, "Strategies for intercultural communication" Lincolnwood 1984
6 김임득, "High School English" 서울(주)현대 영어사 2003
7 이병민, "High School English" 서울(주)천재교육 2003
8 Voller, "Feature films as text A framework for classroom use" 47 (47): 342-353, 1993
9 Marley, "Drama techniques in language learning" Cambridge University press 1979
10 Morihiro,K, "Cultural images seen in the movies" 4 (4): 23-34, 2003
1 이자원, "영화선정에 관한 연구" 1 : 47-64, 2000
2 백종학, "디즈니 만화영화를 통한 영어 학습과 사회적 편견의 형성" 2 (2): 24-44, 2001
3 Dodds,Dinah, "Using film to build writing proficiency in a second-year language class" 30 (30): 140-147, 1997
4 Omaggio-Hadley,A, "Teaching language in context:Proficiency -oriented instruction" Heinle & Heinle Publishers 1986
5 Seelye, "Strategies for intercultural communication" Lincolnwood 1984
6 김임득, "High School English" 서울(주)현대 영어사 2003
7 이병민, "High School English" 서울(주)천재교육 2003
8 Voller, "Feature films as text A framework for classroom use" 47 (47): 342-353, 1993
9 Marley, "Drama techniques in language learning" Cambridge University press 1979
10 Morihiro,K, "Cultural images seen in the movies" 4 (4): 23-34, 2003
11 Rings, "Authentic spoken texts as examples of language variation" 21-33, 1992
12 Fraser, "Acquiring social competence in a second language" 1978
13 Takase, F, "A study of nonverbal communication based on kinesics through movies: Cultural comparison among Korea, U.S. and Japan" 3 (3): 227-243, 2002