Our country's scientific education was based bringing up technicians. Before the more civilized form of education, in the Silla, Backje, and Kokuryo time period people studied arithrmetic, astronomy and medicine in every government office.
After the ...
Our country's scientific education was based bringing up technicians. Before the more civilized form of education, in the Silla, Backje, and Kokuryo time period people studied arithrmetic, astronomy and medicine in every government office.
After the coming of a modern education the Japanese controlled every part of the education system in Korea, including physics, chemistry, science and natural history.
During the Japanese dictatorship, science was taught merely to get a job. All that was taught was the use of machines, which had a little to do with scientific items.
In the transitional period science education was based on subject centered curriculum. In elementary school they taught social studies and science. In a secondary school they studied syllabus.
In the first curriculum, science education was experience centered curriculum. In elementary school it was nature, middle school it was science, and high school you had a choice between physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science.
In the second curriculum they were studied biology Ⅰ, earth science, physics Ⅰ, chemistry Ⅰ in civic science course. There were also biology Ⅰ, earth science, physics Ⅱ, chemistry Ⅱ, and biology Ⅱ in the science course that was absolutely neccesary.
The third curriculum was discipline centered curriculum. It was Characterized by a general idea of the structure, widening of inquiry competency, and a widening to the attitude. In civic science course you were to choose between physics, chemistry, biology and earth science, while in the science course all of those had to be required.
The fourth curriculum emphasised on an affective field more than the third curriculum. In the first grade of elementary school they taught wise living, in middle school the fields physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science was taught. In civic science course there were physics I, chemistry Ⅰ,biology Ⅰ, and earth science Ⅰ. In science course every part the sciences, Ⅰ and Ⅱ were taught.
In the fifth curriculum grades 1 and 2 of elementary school studied wise living in civic science course science Ⅰ and science Ⅱ was taught and in science course science Ⅰ, physics and chemistry were required subjects and between biology and earth science they were taught one.
In 1958 American science gradually moved toward Japanese science education. In middle school they divided science into two parts and in high school physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science were required.
In 1968 Japan's science education based a lot on fundamental concepts of science. In high school basic science was instituted and you chose two subjects between physics Ⅰ·Ⅱ, chemistry Ⅰ·Ⅱ, biology Ⅰ·Ⅱ, earth science Ⅰ·Ⅱ.
In 1977 Japanese science education was to regain humanity. In high school there were science Ⅰ and Ⅱ. But science Ⅰ was absolutely required.
In 1988 Japanese Science education was characterized by the education of the respect of individuality. In grades Ⅰ·Ⅱ of elementary school wise living was taught. In the third grades of middle school there was more freedom in what they wanted to study. In high school total science, physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science was studied in every portion and students chose between ⅠA ⅠB and Ⅱ.