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      7세기 후반 나당관계와 김유신 = The Silla-Tang Relations in the Late 7th Century and Kim Yu shin



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In the late 7th century, Silla(新羅) was externally on the defensive against attacks from Goguryeo(高句麗) and Baekje(百濟) and internally needed to make reform. A confrontation between Kim Yu-shin(金庾信) and Su Ding-fang(蘇定方) happened, however, as soon as the Silla-Tang allied force was formed, and from this confrontation began to appear some negative perceptions about Tang(唐). While Silla made efforts to suppress the Baekje restorationist force, Tang was preparing a military campaign against Goguryeo. Resolved the issue of Baekje’s territory through the Covenant, Tang began to invade Goguryeo and eventually conquered it. Soon after the collapse of Goguryeo, Tang rewarded Kim Yu-shin, considering his political power. Tang also attempted to split Silla’s leadership. As a part of this strategy, the administers of Hansan(漢山州) were the prime targets of Tang’s bribing efforts. The ever deepening tension between Silla and Tang can be seen as the reason why Silla began to attack Tang in 670. The Silla-Tang war(羅唐戰爭) began with Silla’s attack on Tang in 670. During the war Kim Yu-shin’s role was remarkable. For instance, Kim Yu-shin demanded a harsh punishment to Wonsool(元述) for losing in Seokmoon battle(石門戰鬪), in spite of King Moon-moo(文武王)’s unwillingness to punish him severely. Kim Yu-shin’s death made Silla to change its position from the offensive to the defensive. The castle buildings started after his death related to this change. So, when we study about Kim Yu-shin, we have need to take account of not only his political role in Silla but also his influences over the changes in Silla-Tang relations(Kyungpook National University / smup33@naver.com)

      In the late 7th century, Silla(新羅) was externally on the defensive against attacks from Goguryeo(高句麗) and Baekje(百濟) and internally needed to make reform. A confrontation between Kim Yu-shin(金庾信) and Su Ding-fang(蘇定方) happene...

      In the late 7th century, Silla(新羅) was externally on the defensive against attacks from Goguryeo(高句麗) and Baekje(百濟) and internally needed to make reform. A confrontation between Kim Yu-shin(金庾信) and Su Ding-fang(蘇定方) happened, however, as soon as the Silla-Tang allied force was formed, and from this confrontation began to appear some negative perceptions about Tang(唐). While Silla made efforts to suppress the Baekje restorationist force, Tang was preparing a military campaign against Goguryeo. Resolved the issue of Baekje’s territory through the Covenant, Tang began to invade Goguryeo and eventually conquered it. Soon after the collapse of Goguryeo, Tang rewarded Kim Yu-shin, considering his political power. Tang also attempted to split Silla’s leadership. As a part of this strategy, the administers of Hansan(漢山州) were the prime targets of Tang’s bribing efforts. The ever deepening tension between Silla and Tang can be seen as the reason why Silla began to attack Tang in 670. The Silla-Tang war(羅唐戰爭) began with Silla’s attack on Tang in 670. During the war Kim Yu-shin’s role was remarkable. For instance, Kim Yu-shin demanded a harsh punishment to Wonsool(元述) for losing in Seokmoon battle(石門戰鬪), in spite of King Moon-moo(文武王)’s unwillingness to punish him severely. Kim Yu-shin’s death made Silla to change its position from the offensive to the defensive. The castle buildings started after his death related to this change. So, when we study about Kim Yu-shin, we have need to take account of not only his political role in Silla but also his influences over the changes in Silla-Tang relations(Kyungpook National University / smup33@naver.com)


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 方香淑, "李基白先生古稀紀念韓國史學論叢上" 一潮閣 322-323, 1994

      2 金壽泰, "李基白先生古稀紀念韓國史學論叢 上" 一潮閣 348-, 1994

      3 "羅唐戰爭史 硏究 - 약자가 선택한 전쟁" 아세아문화사 134-135, 2006

      4 존ㆍ씨ㆍ재미슨, "羅唐同盟의 瓦解 -韓中記事 取捨의 比較-" 44 : 1969

      5 閔德植, "羅․唐戰爭에 관한 考察 - 買肖城 전투를 중심으로 -" 40 : 1989

      6 朱甫暾, "金春秋의 外交活動과 新羅內政" 24 : 26-27, 1993

      7 朱甫暾, "金庾信의 政治志向 -연구의 活性化를 기대하며-" 11 : 2007

      8 申瀅植, "金庾信 家門의 成立과 活動" 113・14 : 1983

      9 김한규, "한중관계사Ⅰ" 아르케 1999

      10 "한국사 9" 국사편찬위원회 2003

      1 方香淑, "李基白先生古稀紀念韓國史學論叢上" 一潮閣 322-323, 1994

      2 金壽泰, "李基白先生古稀紀念韓國史學論叢 上" 一潮閣 348-, 1994

      3 "羅唐戰爭史 硏究 - 약자가 선택한 전쟁" 아세아문화사 134-135, 2006

      4 존ㆍ씨ㆍ재미슨, "羅唐同盟의 瓦解 -韓中記事 取捨의 比較-" 44 : 1969

      5 閔德植, "羅․唐戰爭에 관한 考察 - 買肖城 전투를 중심으로 -" 40 : 1989

      6 朱甫暾, "金春秋의 外交活動과 新羅內政" 24 : 26-27, 1993

      7 朱甫暾, "金庾信의 政治志向 -연구의 活性化를 기대하며-" 11 : 2007

      8 申瀅植, "金庾信 家門의 成立과 活動" 113・14 : 1983

      9 김한규, "한중관계사Ⅰ" 아르케 1999

      10 "한국사 9" 국사편찬위원회 2003

      11 주보돈, "한국사 3" 한길사 1994

      12 拜根興, "칠세기 중엽 나당관계 연구" 경북대학교 대학원 2002

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      18 盧泰敦, "삼국사기 신라본기의 고구려관계 기사 검토" 16 : 91-, 1997

      19 노중국, "백제 부흥운동사" 일조각 2003

      20 이상훈, "나당전쟁연구" 주류성 59-63, 2012

      21 박순교, "김춘추의 집권과정 연구" 慶北大學校 大學院 1999

      22 임기환, "고구려ㆍ신라의 한강유역 점령" 18 : 30-, 2002

      23 임기환, "강좌한국고대사 10" 가락국사적개발연구원 303-, 2003

      24 주보돈, "가야 잊혀진 이름, 빛나는 유산" 혜안 220-, 2004

      25 "高麗史 卷64 志18 禮6 軍禮 遣將出征儀"

      26 丁仲煥, "高柄翊先生回甲紀念史學論叢" 한울 1984

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      28 金瑛河, "高句麗 內紛의 국제적 배경 - 唐의 단계적 戰略變化와 관련하여 -" 110 : 47-49, 2000

      29 邊太燮, "韓國史通論" 三英社 1986

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      34 李丙燾, "韓國史 古代篇" 乙酉文化社 1959

      35 申瀅植, "韓國古代史의 新硏究" 一潮閣 1984

      36 "隋書 卷46 東夷列傳 高麗"

      37 唐代史硏究會, "隋唐帝國と東アジア世界" 汲古書院 140-141, 1979

      38 "舊唐書"

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      40 김수태, "石門李基東敎授停年紀念史學論叢" 주류성출판사 547-548, 2009

      41 李道學, "熊津都督府의 支配 조직과 對日本政策" 34 : 101-109, 1987

      42 "漢書 卷28 地理志8 下"

      43 內宏, "滿鮮史硏究 上世 第二冊" 吉川弘文館 133-, 1950

      44 村上四男, "朝鮮古代史硏究" 開明書院 225-, 1978

      45 李泳鎬, "新羅의 王權과 貴族社會-중대 국왕의 혼인 문제를 중심으로-" 신라문화연구소 (22) : 20-65, 2003

      46 布山和男, "新羅文武王五年の會盟にみる新羅ㆍ唐關係" 96 : 1996

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      51 村上四男, "新羅と小高句麗國" 37․38 : 1966

      52 拜根興, "新羅 文武王代의 對唐外交" 16 : 86-90, 1999

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      55 李明植, "新羅 中代 王權의 專制化過程" 38 : 1989

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      57 金壽泰, "文武王" 13 : 1993

      58 盧泰敦, "對唐戰爭期(669~676) 新羅의 對外關係와 軍事活動" 34 : 8-, 1997

      59 李丙燾, "國譯 三國史記" 乙酉文化社 1977

      60 "唐律疏議"

      61 卞麟錫, "唐에서 바라본 新羅의 三國統一" 50 : 1995

      62 金相範, "唐 前期 封禪儀禮의 展開와 그 意義" 17 : 2002

      63 "史記 卷26 曆書 第4"

      64 丹齋申采浩先生記念事業會, "丹齋申采浩全集 上卷" 螢雪出版社 1977

      65 李基白, "上大等考" 19 : 1962

      66 申瀅植, "三國統一의 歷史的 性格" 61・62 : 1988

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      68 高寬敏, "三國史記の原典的硏究" 雄山閣 157-, 1996

      69 "三國史記"

      70 "七世纪中叶唐与新罗关係硏究" 中国社会科学出版社 2003

      71 최현화, "7세기 중엽 당(唐)의 한반도(韓半島) 지배전략(支配戰略)" 한국역사연구회 (61) : 147-173, 2006


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