1 Kalbfleisch JD, "The statistical analysis of failure time data" John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1980
2 Parekh BS, "Quantitative detection of increasing HIV type I antibodies after seroconversion: a simple assay for detecting recent HIV infection and estimating incidence" 18 (18): 295-307, 2002
3 Suligoi B, "Precision and accuracy of a procedure for detecting recent human immunodeficiency virus infections by calculating the antibody avidity index by an automated immunoassay-based method" 40 (40): 4015-4020, 2002
4 Keele BF, "Identification and characterization of transmitted and early founder virus envelopes in primary HIV-1 infection" 105 (105): 7552-7557, 2008
5 Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, "HIV/AIDS Guideline" Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2012
6 Levy JA, "HIV and the Pathogenesis of AIDS" ASM Press 2007
7 Prejean J, "HIV Incidence Surveillance Group. Estimated HIV incidence in the United States, 2006-2009" 6 (6): e17502-, 2011
8 Parekh BS, "Evaluation of a sensitive/less-sensitive testing algorithm using the 3A11-LS assay for detecting recent HIV seroconversion, among individuals with HIV-1 subtype B or E infection in Thailand" 17 (17): 453-458, 2001
9 Wang JS, "Establishment of modified serological testing for the diagnose of recent HIV infections to estimate HIV incidence in Korea" The Korean Society for AIDS 2012
10 Parekh BS, "Determination of mean recency period for estimation of HIV type 1 incidence with the bed-capture EIA in persons infected with diverse subtypes" 27 (27): 265-273, 2011
1 Kalbfleisch JD, "The statistical analysis of failure time data" John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1980
2 Parekh BS, "Quantitative detection of increasing HIV type I antibodies after seroconversion: a simple assay for detecting recent HIV infection and estimating incidence" 18 (18): 295-307, 2002
3 Suligoi B, "Precision and accuracy of a procedure for detecting recent human immunodeficiency virus infections by calculating the antibody avidity index by an automated immunoassay-based method" 40 (40): 4015-4020, 2002
4 Keele BF, "Identification and characterization of transmitted and early founder virus envelopes in primary HIV-1 infection" 105 (105): 7552-7557, 2008
5 Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, "HIV/AIDS Guideline" Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2012
6 Levy JA, "HIV and the Pathogenesis of AIDS" ASM Press 2007
7 Prejean J, "HIV Incidence Surveillance Group. Estimated HIV incidence in the United States, 2006-2009" 6 (6): e17502-, 2011
8 Parekh BS, "Evaluation of a sensitive/less-sensitive testing algorithm using the 3A11-LS assay for detecting recent HIV seroconversion, among individuals with HIV-1 subtype B or E infection in Thailand" 17 (17): 453-458, 2001
9 Wang JS, "Establishment of modified serological testing for the diagnose of recent HIV infections to estimate HIV incidence in Korea" The Korean Society for AIDS 2012
10 Parekh BS, "Determination of mean recency period for estimation of HIV type 1 incidence with the bed-capture EIA in persons infected with diverse subtypes" 27 (27): 265-273, 2011
11 "Calypte HIV-1 BED incidence EIA (IgG-Capture HIV-EIA):enzyme immunoassay for population estimates of HIV-1 incidence" Calypte Biomedical Corporation 2005
12 Kim NY, "Approach for avidity index assay to detect recent HIV infection in Korea" (D1) : 2013