Previous studies theoretically show a relationship between HIC value and minimum packaging space in order to absorb the FMH impact energy for mathematically defined impact pulses. It means if the space is not secured it is impossible to obtain require...
Previous studies theoretically show a relationship between HIC value and minimum packaging space in order to absorb the FMH impact energy for mathematically defined impact pulses. It means if the space is not secured it is impossible to obtain required HIC value physically. Unfortunately, however, the minimum space requirement is not always satisfied during vehicle development process to harmonize the other critical performances or to pursue design theme. So this paper suggests crushable body structure design, especially around a sun visor mounting area where relocated AP1 point falls, having required level of crush load, which is derived from correlation between the panel crush load and HIC(d) value obtained from previous physical FMH testing. We provide component level CAE model and boundary conditions to evaluate the crush load, and DFSS optimization process is applied to find robust design parameters satisfying the load. Finally the head injury performance is evaluated by conducting full vehicle FMH CAE analysis with optimized sun visor mounting bracket.