1 Wernert P, "Wind tunnel tests and open-loop trajectory simulations for a 155mmcanards guided spin stabilized projectile" 18-21, 2008
2 Oh YH, "Three dimensional interpolation method for missile aerodynamics, AIAA Paper 89-0481" 1989
3 Kim CW, "The research on aerodynamic database for real time flight simulation of the tilt-rotor UAV" 2004
4 Seo SE, "Store aerodynamic database enhancement by using missile DATCOM" 2010
5 Guillaume S, "Modeling, identification and control of a guided projectile in a wind tunnel" Universite de Haute Alsace 2016
6 진현, "KF-16의 DOE기반 정적 공력 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 실험적 연구" 한국항공우주학회 43 (43): 422-431, 2015
7 Kokes J, "Generating an aerodynamic model for projectile flight simulation using unsteady, time accurate computational fluid dynamic results" Army Research Laboratory 2006
8 MapleCG, "Aerodynamic symmetry of projectiles" 6 (6): 345-366, 1949
9 Burchett BT, "Aerodynamic parameter identification for symmetric projectiles: comparing gradient based and evolutionary algorithms" 2011
10 Burchett BT, "Aerodynamic parameter identification for symmetric projectiles: an improved gradient based method" 30 (30): 119-127, 2013
1 Wernert P, "Wind tunnel tests and open-loop trajectory simulations for a 155mmcanards guided spin stabilized projectile" 18-21, 2008
2 Oh YH, "Three dimensional interpolation method for missile aerodynamics, AIAA Paper 89-0481" 1989
3 Kim CW, "The research on aerodynamic database for real time flight simulation of the tilt-rotor UAV" 2004
4 Seo SE, "Store aerodynamic database enhancement by using missile DATCOM" 2010
5 Guillaume S, "Modeling, identification and control of a guided projectile in a wind tunnel" Universite de Haute Alsace 2016
6 진현, "KF-16의 DOE기반 정적 공력 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 실험적 연구" 한국항공우주학회 43 (43): 422-431, 2015
7 Kokes J, "Generating an aerodynamic model for projectile flight simulation using unsteady, time accurate computational fluid dynamic results" Army Research Laboratory 2006
8 MapleCG, "Aerodynamic symmetry of projectiles" 6 (6): 345-366, 1949
9 Burchett BT, "Aerodynamic parameter identification for symmetric projectiles: comparing gradient based and evolutionary algorithms" 2011
10 Burchett BT, "Aerodynamic parameter identification for symmetric projectiles: an improved gradient based method" 30 (30): 119-127, 2013
11 Ahn SK, "Aerodynamic data base; wind tunnel or CFD" 2013
12 Chapman GT, "A method for extracting aerodynamic coefficients from free-flight data" 8 (8): 753-758, 1970