The purpose of this study is to prove the Performing Arts consumer Behavior and the Price sensitivity of the consumer according to Frequency of Visiting.
The subjects for this study were 582 consumers 20s who have been visiting the theater at least ...
The purpose of this study is to prove the Performing Arts consumer Behavior and the Price sensitivity of the consumer according to Frequency of Visiting.
The subjects for this study were 582 consumers 20s who have been visiting the theater at least a time for last one year.
As for the statistical data, chi-square test, Multiple respncese, T-test, ANOVA, correlation analyisis were carried out using SPSS Win 17.0 and PSM(Price sensitivity Measurement) To analysis the Price sensitivity of the consumer according to Frequency of Visiting, The results of this study were as follow:
First of all, the Performing Arts consumer Behavior 20s consumers are similar Depending on the Demographic variables, economic variables experimental variables.
However, despite these consistent average annual expenditures and performing arts differences existed in the frequency of visiting. T his part of the Performing Arts in the 20 to watch a similar manner, but the levels at which you can enjoy can be seen by the existence of differences of the sex, region, education, income.
Finally, to investigate the consumer's price sencitivity of popular music concerts, musicals, opera, PSM technique is using.
Prior to Analysis, visiting the low frequency (1-2 times), middle ranged frequency (3-4 times), high frequency (5 times or more) of respondents were classified into observing depending on the frequency of respondents.
All three genres of performance analysis, a large premium ticket prices that are currently on the market are not within the acceptable range. levels of R is the limit price has responded in all the frequency levels. it suggested that premium seats are not attractive to 20s consumers . For example, If the current market price of the opera is set too high, a high price policy for the consumer's psychological barriers are likely to result in further.