The Tasks of the Korean Government and Military
The United States of America and its forces tried to find and kill terrorists, destroyed
their safe havens, punished terror-supported countries in the name of "Global War on
Terror or Terrorism(GWOT)" a...
The Tasks of the Korean Government and Military
The United States of America and its forces tried to find and kill terrorists, destroyed
their safe havens, punished terror-supported countries in the name of "Global War on
Terror or Terrorism(GWOT)" after 9/11 terror incident. However, the US seems to have
recognized the side effects of those direct actions and tries to regain its prudence. The US
seems to be in the course of changing its policy into the more comprehensive and
cooperative one, such as relying more on the long-term approach to the root of the terror
and on international cooperation. It is trying to depend more on education and cooperation
than military actions in order to change the environment regarding terrorism.
It may be right time for the Republic of Korea to review and refine its long-term policy
on terrorism after the shock of the 9/11 and the initial angry GWOT actions by the US.
The current relative pause of terror should be the period of prevention and preparation
rather than complacency and procrastination. Korea needs to establish the long-term
infrastructure against terrorism, integrate all government's efforts, reinforce the protection
and recovery mechanisms, and participate in international cooperative actions.
The Republic of Korea military also needs to fully understand the nature of modern
terrorism, support the government's efforts against terrorism, draw and acquire requirements
for the anti-terror actions throughout war-fighting domains(Doctrine, Organization, Training,
Leader-development, Materiel, Personnel), and develop and participate in international
combined posture against terrorism. The Korea military should try to take full advantage of
the international military exchange and cooperation programs for that posture.