This study examined to understand at the Pre Han Dynasty in China, that between the court officials and the civilian intellectuals argued in the discussions by using a rhetorical methodology whether or not to abolish the iron and steel monopoly. First...
This study examined to understand at the Pre Han Dynasty in China, that between the court officials and the civilian intellectuals argued in the discussions by using a rhetorical methodology whether or not to abolish the iron and steel monopoly. First of all, with a brief introduction to “Yantielun”, and the cause of this discussion was examined by looking at the situation of China at the time. In addition, various rhetorical arguments and strategies of persuasion were examined which used to carry through their arguments by the best intellectuals at that time. They developed their arguments with the rhetorical methods and the way of persuading strategy. To give authority and a sense of stability to their claimss, they quoted the words of old sages and used metaphors and analogies to emphasize what they argued. In addition, I was able to understand the responsibilities and roles of the state and the people in the pre-Han period, and also could look back on the current situation.