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      经验主义时期国际机器翻译演化路径及前沿探析 = The Evolution Path and Frontier Analysis of International Machine Translation in the Period of Empiricism



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      With the advent of the age of big data, machine translation has been receiving more and more attention as an important branch of artificial intelligence. The bibliometric study of international machine translation can help domestic scholars to better ...

      With the advent of the age of big data, machine translation has been receiving more and more attention as an important branch of artificial intelligence. The bibliometric study of international machine translation can help domestic scholars to better grasp the development of machine translation and find out the inadequacies of current machine translation research. This paper uses CiteSpace V as a tool to systematically analyze the status, hotspots and frontier trends of research in international machine translation from 1993 to 2017 by using the map of dual-map overlays of journal, the cooperation maps of authors-institutions-country, and the clustering map of the co-citation literatures. In the field of international machine translation, chronological order of the hotspots is machine translation based on statistical principle only, statistical machine translation using linguistic information, domain adaptation, neural machine translation, research frontier includes translation of low-resource language, post-editing, quality estimation of machine translation. This paper holds that the field of machine translation at the moment needs further strengthening in the development of the application of the existing machine translation technology, the fusion of cognitive linguistics and machine translation technology.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)


      随着大数据时代的到来,机器翻译作为人工智能领域的一个重要分支正在受到越来越多的关注。对国际机器翻译进行文献计量研究有助于学者更好地把握机器翻译的发展动态,发现当前机器翻译研究的不足之处。本研究以CiteSpace V为工具,运用期刊双图叠加图谱、作者-机构-国家合作图谱、文献共被引聚类图谱系统地分析了1993-2017年经验主义时期间国际机器翻译领域的研究状况、热点主题以及前沿趋势等问题。经研究发现国际机器翻译领域的热点依次为仅依靠统计学原理的机器翻译、综合运用语言学信息的统计机器翻译、领域自适应、神经机器翻译,研究前沿为低资源语言的翻译、译后编辑、质量评估标准。最后,当前国际机器翻译领域在既有机器翻译技术应用模式的开发、认知语言学等先验知识与机器翻译技术的融合两个方面有待进一步加强。


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 冯全功, "译后编辑研究:焦点透析与发展趋势" 06 : 2016

      2 刘洋, "神经机器翻译前沿进展" 06 : 2017

      3 陈悦, "引文空间分析原理与应用—CiteSpace实用指南" 科学出版社 2009

      4 徐英瑾, "如何将认知语言学洞见带入机器翻译研究" 03 : 2018

      5 刘群, "基于句法的统计机器翻译模型与方法" 06 : 2011

      6 Galley, M., "What’s in a translation rule" HLT-NAACL 2004

      7 Passban, P., "Translating low-resource languages by vocabulary adaptation from close counterparts" 04 : 2017

      8 Sutskever, I., "Sequence-to-sequence learning with neural networks" NIPS 2014

      9 Koponen, M., "Post-editing quality: analysing the correctness and necessity of post-editor corrections" 16 : 2017

      10 Hu, Y., "Polylingual tree-based topic models for translation domain adaptation" Association for Computational Linguistics 2014

      1 冯全功, "译后编辑研究:焦点透析与发展趋势" 06 : 2016

      2 刘洋, "神经机器翻译前沿进展" 06 : 2017

      3 陈悦, "引文空间分析原理与应用—CiteSpace实用指南" 科学出版社 2009

      4 徐英瑾, "如何将认知语言学洞见带入机器翻译研究" 03 : 2018

      5 刘群, "基于句法的统计机器翻译模型与方法" 06 : 2011

      6 Galley, M., "What’s in a translation rule" HLT-NAACL 2004

      7 Passban, P., "Translating low-resource languages by vocabulary adaptation from close counterparts" 04 : 2017

      8 Sutskever, I., "Sequence-to-sequence learning with neural networks" NIPS 2014

      9 Koponen, M., "Post-editing quality: analysing the correctness and necessity of post-editor corrections" 16 : 2017

      10 Hu, Y., "Polylingual tree-based topic models for translation domain adaptation" Association for Computational Linguistics 2014

      11 Jean, S., "On using very large target vocabulary for neural machine translation" Association for Computational Linguistics 2015

      12 Gulcehre, C., "On integrating a language model into neural machine translation" 45 : 2017

      13 Sennrich, R., "Neural machine translation of rare words with subword units" Association for Computational Linguistics 2016

      14 Koehn, P., "Moses: open source toolkit for statistical machine translation" Association for Machine Translation 2007

      15 Foster, G., "Mixture-model adaptation for SMT" Association for Machine Translation 2007

      16 Arnold, D., "Machine Translation: An Introductory Guide" NCC Blackwell 1994

      17 Banerjee, S., "METEOR: An automatic metric for MT evaluation with improved correlation with human judgments" Association for Machine Translation 2005

      18 Cho, K., "Learning phrase representations using RNN encoder–decoder for statistical machine translation" Association for Computational Linguistics 2014

      19 Peris, A., "Interactive neural machine translation" 45 : 2017

      20 Bojar, O., "Findings of the 2014 workshop on statistical machine translation" Association for Computational Linguistics 2014

      21 Luong, M. H., "Effective approaches to attention-based neural machine translation" Association for Computational Linguistics 2015

      22 Toral, A., "Crawl and crowd to bring machine translation to under-resourced languages" 51 : 2017

      23 Vieira, LN, "Cognitive effort and different task foci in post-editing of machine translation: a think-aloud study" 01 : 2017

      24 陈悦, "CiteSpace知识图谱的方法论功能" 02 : 2015

      25 Papineni, K., "Bleu: a method for automatic evaluation of machine translation" Association for Computational Linguistics 2002

      26 Castilho, S., "Acceptability of machine-translated Content:A multi-language evaluation by translators and end-users" 16 : 2017

      27 Snover, M., "A study of translation edit rate with targeted human annotation" Association for Machine Translation 2006

      28 Chiang, D., "A hierarchical phrase-based model for statistical machine translation" Association for Computational Linguistics 2005


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