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      주요 SOC부문에 대한 재정투자의 효과 분석 = Analyzing the Effects of the Investment in Major SOC Sectors



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The SOC(Social Overhead Capital), the industry of a nation, makes great effect on economic growth. Korean government had decided high investment in state spending in 1990s. Accordingly, SOC have grown constantly but analyses of over-investment in SOC ...

      The SOC(Social Overhead Capital), the industry of a nation, makes great effect on economic growth. Korean government had decided high investment in state spending in 1990s. Accordingly, SOC have grown constantly but analyses of over-investment in SOC have started to appear since 2000. Based on these analyses, the government has been decreasing the investment in SOC. This study attempts to use inter-industry analysis to examine production-inducing effect, value added-inducing effect, and employment-inducing effect based on demand-driven model. In addition, this study deals with supply shortage effect and sectoral price effect in SOC using supply-driven model and Leontief price model, respectively, which are rarely used. The results can be usefully utilized in decision-making about the investment in SOC. The main results show that production-inducing effect, value added-inducing effect and employment-inducing effect are the highest in railroad, custody and warehouse, and road. Moreover, these results show that supply shortage effect and pervasive effect of price change are the highest in custody and warehouse and railroad.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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