1 "장애학생을 위한 의사결정기술 교수프로그램" 서울 파라다이스복지재단 장애아동연구소 2002
2 "자기결정 활동 프로그램의 개발과 적용이 전이기 경도장애학생의 자기결정력 증진에 미치는 효과" 38 (38): 1-26, 2003
3 "경도 정신지체인의 고용상태와 거주형태에 따른 자기결정력과 삶의 질 비교" 38 (38): 259-281, 2003
4 "The national longitudinal transition study of special education students Department of Education" 1990
5 "The effects of problem solving instruction on the self-determination of high school students with mild disabilities" Columbia University 1997
6 "The effects of Self - determination training on student involvement in the IEP process" 1997
7 "The contributions of individual characteristics and environmental factors to the self-determination of children and youth with disabilities University of Minnesota" 1995
8 "Teacher perception self-determination : Benefits, characteristics, and strategies" 34 : 293-301, 1999
9 "TAKE CHARGE FOR THE FUTURE" Oregon Health Sciences University 1996
10 "Step to self-determination: A Curriculum to help adolescents learn to achieve their goals" 1996
1 "장애학생을 위한 의사결정기술 교수프로그램" 서울 파라다이스복지재단 장애아동연구소 2002
2 "자기결정 활동 프로그램의 개발과 적용이 전이기 경도장애학생의 자기결정력 증진에 미치는 효과" 38 (38): 1-26, 2003
3 "경도 정신지체인의 고용상태와 거주형태에 따른 자기결정력과 삶의 질 비교" 38 (38): 259-281, 2003
4 "The national longitudinal transition study of special education students Department of Education" 1990
5 "The effects of problem solving instruction on the self-determination of high school students with mild disabilities" Columbia University 1997
6 "The effects of Self - determination training on student involvement in the IEP process" 1997
7 "The contributions of individual characteristics and environmental factors to the self-determination of children and youth with disabilities University of Minnesota" 1995
8 "Teacher perception self-determination : Benefits, characteristics, and strategies" 34 : 293-301, 1999
9 "TAKE CHARGE FOR THE FUTURE" Oregon Health Sciences University 1996
10 "Step to self-determination: A Curriculum to help adolescents learn to achieve their goals" 1996
11 "Self-determination for persons with disabilities" 215-225, 1994
12 "Self-determination as an educational outcome:A definitional framework and implications for intervention" 9 : 175-209, 1997
13 "Self-determination and the education of students with mental retardation" 21 : 302-314, 1992
14 "Self-determination and positive adult outcome : A follow up study of youth with mental retardation or learning disabilities" 63 : 245-255, 1997
15 "Self-determination across the life span : Independence and choices for people with disabilities" 1996
16 "Perceptions of classroom environment, locus of control and academic attribution of adolescents with and without cognitive disabilities" 19 : 15-30, 1996
17 "Perception of self-determination and psychological empowerment of adolescents with mental retardation" 29 : 9-21, 1994
18 "NEXT S.T.E.P. : Student transition and educational planning" 1997
19 "Lessons learned from implementing the steps to self-determination curriculum" 23 : 90-98, 2002
20 "Introduction to the special section : Self-determination : signal a system change?" 23 : 85-104, 1998
21 "Intervention in school and Clinic" 147-156, 1995
22 "Individual and environmental factors related to the self-determination of adult with mental retardation Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation" 5 : 291-305, 1995
23 "Implementing the IDEA transition mandates" 65 : 555-565, 1999
24 "Examining the transition planning process: What are perceptions of students with disabilities regarding their transition from school to adult life" 1996
25 "Cognitive strategy instruction and mathematical problem solving performance of students with learning disabilities" 223-232, 1993
26 "American Institutes for Research" 1994
27 "A national survey of teachers' promotion of self-determination and student directed learning" 34 : 58-68, 2000