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      1923~1924년 조선총독부의 세무기구 독립 정책―추진 경과와 조선·동아일보의 대응을 중심으로― = The Korea’s Tax Agency Independence Policy of Government General in 1923~1924 and the Response of Chosun’s Propertied Class—Focusing on the Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-A Ilbo’s Response



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In the early 1920’s, the Japanese-Government General of Korea planned tax system restructuring focusing on levying the propertied class to meet the financial expansion to implement the cultural ruling after its suppression over the March First Indep...

      In the early 1920’s, the Japanese-Government General of Korea planned tax system restructuring focusing on levying the propertied class to meet the financial expansion to implement the cultural ruling after its suppression over the March First Independence Movement. Prior to this restructuring, the Japanese-Government strived to figure out the commerce and industry income from June 1923 with a plan to commence newly independent tax agency.
      At the beginning of 1924, the Japanese-Government sketched out the plan to organize the independent tax agency, and in June at the same year, it submitted a budget proposal, amount of 620 thousands yen, to the Japanese Imperial Diet. With increased bidding to invite tax agency branches in the whole country, the five tax monitoring bureau and 102 tax office branches schedule to be located nationwide. Amid the preparations, such as securing office buildings and arranging personnel, to open new tax institutions in August was being in progress, the Diet passed the budget bill on July 25 and control plan also deliberated.
      However, on August 9, all progress suspended. The ostensible reason to interrupt the independence of the tax agency is that a newly appointed inspector general executed administration arrangement forcibly on the ground of an austerity plan of the new Japanese cabinet. The actual reason derives from the innate conflict of the Japanese colonial ruling: a collision between the policy to levy huge tax on the propertied class and the principle of divide and rule.
      This innate conflict(1923~1924) continued to influence the tax system review(1926~1927) and resulted in waving induction of the general income tax. Followed by this trend, the mass exploitative tax system based on indirect tax rooted in the colonial Chosun.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 김재호, "한국경제성장사-예비적 고찰, in 근대적 재정제도의 성립과 징세기구의 변화, 1894~1945" 서울대학교출판부 2001

      2 이형식, "중간내각 시대(1922.6-1924.7)의 조선총독부" 동양사학회 (113) : 271-308, 2010

      3 Eckert, "제국의 후예, in Offspring of Empire(The Koch’Ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism)" 푸른역사 2008

      4 이승렬, "제국과 상인" 역사비평사 2007

      5 정태헌, "일제의 경제정책과 조선사회:조세정책을 중심으로" 역사비평사 1996

      6 허수열, "개발 없는 개발-일제하, 조선경제 개발의 현상과 본질" 은행나무 2005

      7 朝鮮總督府, "齋藤實文書" 高麗書林 1999

      8 國稅廳, "稅政100年略史" 1996

      9 稅務大學校硏究部, "稅務署の創設と稅務行政の100年" 大藏財務協會 1996

      10 최태호, "朝鮮總督府의 財政政策" 6 : 1992

      1 김재호, "한국경제성장사-예비적 고찰, in 근대적 재정제도의 성립과 징세기구의 변화, 1894~1945" 서울대학교출판부 2001

      2 이형식, "중간내각 시대(1922.6-1924.7)의 조선총독부" 동양사학회 (113) : 271-308, 2010

      3 Eckert, "제국의 후예, in Offspring of Empire(The Koch’Ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism)" 푸른역사 2008

      4 이승렬, "제국과 상인" 역사비평사 2007

      5 정태헌, "일제의 경제정책과 조선사회:조세정책을 중심으로" 역사비평사 1996

      6 허수열, "개발 없는 개발-일제하, 조선경제 개발의 현상과 본질" 은행나무 2005

      7 朝鮮總督府, "齋藤實文書" 高麗書林 1999

      8 國稅廳, "稅政100年略史" 1996

      9 稅務大學校硏究部, "稅務署の創設と稅務行政の100年" 大藏財務協會 1996

      10 최태호, "朝鮮總督府의 財政政策" 6 : 1992

      11 朝鮮總督府, "朝鮮總督府官報"

      12 朝鮮總督府財務局, "朝鮮ニ於ケル稅制整理經過槪要" 1935

      13 堀和生, "朝鮮における植民地財政の展開-1910~30年代初頭にかけて, in 植民地朝鮮の社會と抵抗" 未來社 1982

      14 禹明東, "日帝下朝鮮財政의 構造와 性格" 고려대학교 1988

      15 金玉根, "日帝下朝鮮財政史論考" 일조각 1994

      16 李炯植, "政党内閣期(1924~1932年)の朝鮮総督府官僚の統治構想" 東京大學日本史學硏究室 11 : 2007

      17 "≪京城日報≫. ≪東亞日報≫. ≪每日申報≫. ≪朝鮮日報≫"


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