The purpose of this study is to develop a new environmental policy paradigm for green economy and sustainable development and to develop major policy tasks in each field based on the analysis of internal and external environmental changes and current ...
The purpose of this study is to develop a new environmental policy paradigm for green economy and sustainable development and to develop major policy tasks in each field based on the analysis of internal and external environmental changes and current and future environmental issues.
Changes in population structure such as aging population and low fertility, personalization and localization, urbanization and depletion of resources, international power movement and New Normal, new technologies such as Big Data in accordance with the 4th Industrial Revolution are demanding fundamental change of development paradigm such as green economy for development. Along with such changes, new changes in environmental administration and governance systems are required, including integrated response systems for cross cutting across ministries such as fine dust, biocide, climate change, and environmental disaster. In addition, it is necessary to effectively reorganize the environmental finance and tax system to solve the environmental finance pressure due to the rapid increase in public demand for health, safety and environmental services.
As a major policy agenda in the field of environment, it is necessary to realize the environmental rights of the people, to coordinate and restructure the environmental governance, to establish sustainable smart-city environment management, to establish a system to cope with global fine dust, improvement of environment of 4 rivers and unification of water management, and response to integrated climate change - establishment of environmental disaster response system.
The following are specific policy tasks for each sector to realize this policy agenda. Major policy tasks in the atmosphere sector have been proposed such as integrated management of fine dust, enhancement of effectiveness of fine dust management in transport sector, and improvement of management system in atmospheric environment information. Second, major policy tasks in the field of water environment are improvement of sustainability in water infrastructure, improvement of water cycle, development of water industry. Third, in the field of natural resources conservation, main streaming nature conservation and wise use of natural benefits have been proposed as major policy tasks. Fourth, in the field of resource recycling, realization of landfill zeroing through resource virtuous cycle, management of cyclic resource whole cycle and improvement of resource efficiency, proper management of waste due to complex disasters and nuclear dismantlement, and waste resource management for coping with future social change are major policy tasks .
The main policy tasks for environmental governance will be to consider integration between relevant sectors. Regarding the rationalization of the distribution of the central-local environmental affairs, it can be achieved through the introduction of a differential decentralization system and strengthening cooperation between central and local governments.
In order to reorganize and stabilize the financial system of the environment sector, two ways have been largely derived. First, the following two improvement measures were proposed in the traffic·energy and environmental tax sectors. The first is to impose the carbon tax, energy tax and environmental tax on all energy sources without extending the sunset. The second is to extend the deadline of the traffic, energy and environmental tax law and coordinate the price, and annual expenditure ratio in relative price of oil type. Next, in the charge of the Ministry of Environment, the measures to consolidate the transportation energy environment tax after the abolition of the charge, or to transfer the local area were suggested.