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      국가와 폭력 -국가가 실패하는 순간에 대한 고찰

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This article started with the definition of violence and then examined the views of Western thinkers about the relationship between state and violence, reflecting on the mechanism of “moment” of state failure in which the state used violence again...

      This article started with the definition of violence and then examined the views of Western thinkers about the relationship between state and violence, reflecting on the mechanism of “moment” of state failure in which the state used violence against its citizens under the pretext of law and protection of public interest, and finally introduced the latest researches on the “state terrorism”.
      When it comes to the definition of violence, recent studies on the definition of violence go into the two opposite directions. On the one hand, there are researches that portray violence as comprehensive as possible, such as structural violence of Galtung and “slow violence” of Rob Nixon. On the other hand, there are researchers such as John Keane, who oppose this comprehensive definition and emphasize the physicality of the concept of violence.
      Secondly, this article examined the ideas of Carl Schmidt, Walter Benjamin and Hannah Arendt. All three can be categorized as thinkers who paid attention to “the moment of state failures“. Not to mention Carl Schmidt who defined the state of exception as the moment for the sovereign’s ability to transcend the rule of law in the name of the public good and take this moment as the natural part of the state power, Benjamin linked mythical violence to the principle of power, not justice, and thereby indicated that the state failure is inevitable. In addition, Arendt, who believes that the essence of the government should be power, not violence, and that, without the will of the people to maintain power, the outbreak of violence is inevitable.
      Thirdly, recent empirical studies of national terrorism also show that we should not divide the global community into two groups, one that already finished the process of civilizing the violence and the other that have it as a future project. In the end, we can say that state can fail at every moment, if its citizens were not ready to defend democracy.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 1. 들어가며
      • 2. 폭력이란 무엇인가
      • 3. 폭력과 국가: 슈미트, 벤야민, 아렌트
      • 4. 국가, 테러리즘?
      • 5. 나가며
      • 1. 들어가며
      • 2. 폭력이란 무엇인가
      • 3. 폭력과 국가: 슈미트, 벤야민, 아렌트
      • 4. 국가, 테러리즘?
      • 5. 나가며
      • 참고문헌

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 칼 슈미트, "현대 의회주의의 정신사적 상황" 길 2012

      3 임미원, "한나 아렌트의 ‘시작으로서의 자유’ 및 ‘다수성’ 개념" 한국법철학회 21 (21): 219-248, 2018

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      7 이문영, "폭력이란 무엇인가―기원과 구조" 아카넷 2015

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      2 칼 슈미트, "현대 의회주의의 정신사적 상황" 길 2012

      3 임미원, "한나 아렌트의 ‘시작으로서의 자유’ 및 ‘다수성’ 개념" 한국법철학회 21 (21): 219-248, 2018

      4 임미원, "푸코의 통치성 분석에 대한 기초적 고찰" 한국법철학회 19 (19): 99-136, 2016

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      6 공진성, "폭력이란 무엇인가―기원과 구조" 아카넷 2015

      7 이문영, "폭력이란 무엇인가―기원과 구조" 아카넷 2015

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      9 성정엽, "칼 슈미트의 자유주의국가 비판" 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 27 (27): 1-33, 2019

      10 김상기, "칼 슈미트의 극우 사상과 우리의 정치적 현실, 철학과 현실" 철학문화연구소 (5) : 1990

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      14 김윤상, "조르조 아감벤의 ‘호모 사케르’ 프로젝트 연구 I" 한국카프카학회 (30) : 283-301, 2013

      15 안토니오 네그리, "조르조 아감벤―변증법의 신중한 맛" 진보평론 (65) : 2015

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      23 임미리, "열사, 분노와 슬픔의 정치학―한국 저항운동과 열사 호명 구조" 오월의 봄 2017

      24 발터 벤야민, "역사의 개념에 대하여; 폭력비판을 위하여; 초현실주의 외" 길 2008

      25 임미원, "아렌트의 ‘권리를 가질 권리’ 개념의 기초적 고찰" 한국법철학회 22 (22): 203-234, 2019

      26 홍철기, "아감벤의 예외상태 비판―호모사케르와 예외상태" 오늘의 문예비평 (60) : 2006

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      28 임미원, "슈미트의 법 및 정치관념에 대한 일고찰" 한국법철학회 15 (15): 219-250, 2012

      29 이영석, "세계사 속의 5.18 -피털루, 잘리안왈라공원, 그리고 광주-" 호남사학회 (74) : 219-244, 2019

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      31 최원, "멈춰진 세월, 멈춰진 국가―신자유주의적 통치성과 폭력의 새로운 형상" (61) : 2014

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      33 신진욱, "근대와 폭력-다원적 복합성과 역사적 불확정성의 사회이론-" 한국사회학회 38 (38): 1-31, 2004

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      36 이상록, "‘예외상태 상례화’로서의 유신헌법과 한국적 민주주의 담론" 역사문제연구소 20 (20): 511-555, 2016

      37 홍철기, "‘예외는 재현될 수 없는가?’―아감벤과 슈미트의 정치미학" 문화과학사 (81) : 2015

      38 Carole Nagengast, "Violence, Terror, and the Crisis of the State" 23 : 1994

      39 Johan Galtung, "Violence, Peace and Peace Research" Sage Publications, Ltd 6 (6): 1969

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      41 Asher Kaufman, "Thinking beyond direct violence" Cambridge University Press 46 (46): 2014

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      45 Anthony Giddens, "The Nation-state and Violence" Polity Press 1985

      46 Charles K. Bellinger, "The Genealogy of Violence Reflections on Creation, Freedom, and Evil" Oxford University Press 2001

      47 Elaine Scarry, "The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World" Oxford University Press 1985

      48 R. J. Rummel, "The Blue Book of Freedom: Ending Famine, Poverty, Democide, and War" Cumberland House Publishing 2007

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      52 David Simpson, "States of Terror: History, Theory, Literature" University of Chicago Press 2019

      53 Maurice Punch, "State violence, collusion and the troubles: Counter Insurgency, Government Deviance and Northern Ireland" Pluto Press 2012

      54 Bettina Koch, "State Terror, State Violence: Global Perspectives" Springer VS 2016

      55 Rob Nixon, "Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor" Harvard University Press 2011

      56 Richard Jackson, "Routledge Handbook of Critical Terrorism Studies" Routledge 2016

      57 Erica Chenoweth, "Rethinking Violence: States and Non-State Actors in Conflict" MIT Press 2010

      58 Erica Chenoweth, "Rethinking Violence: States and Non-State Actors in Conflict" MIT Press 2010

      59 Dianne Kirby, "Religion and the Cold War" Palgrave 2002

      60 Talal Asad, "Reflections on Violence, Law, and Humanitarianism" 41 (41): 2015

      61 Dipesh Chakrabarty, "Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference" Princeton University Press 2000

      62 Jonathan Spencer, "Politics and the State : Democracy and Violence in South Asia" Cambridge University Press 2007

      63 Ekkart Zimmermann, "Political violence, crises, and revolutions: theories and research" Schenkman Pub. Co. 1983

      64 Jo-Marie Burt, "Political violence and the authoritarian state in Peru: silencing civil society" Palgrave Macmillan 2007

      65 James Dodd, "Phenomenological reflections on violence: a skeptical approach" Routledge 2017

      66 Hannnah Arendt, "On Violence" Harcourt, Brace & World 1970

      67 Giogrio Agamben, "ON THE LIMITS OF VIOLENCE" Johns Hopkins University Press 39 (39): 2009

      68 Frank Bösch, "Internationale Solidarität: Globales Engagement in der Bundesrepublik und der DDR" Wallstein 2018

      69 Bertrand Badie, "International Encyclopedia of Political Science" SAGE Publications 2011

      70 Peter N. Sterns, "Encyclopedia of European Social History from 1350 to 2000" Scribner 2001

      71 R. J. Rummel, "Death by Government" Transaction Publishers 1997

      72 Jeffry A. Sluka, "Death Squad: The Anthropology of State Terror" University of Pennsylvania Press 2000

      73 Peter C. Caldwell, "Controversies over Carl Schmitt: A Review of Recent Literature" 77 (77): 2005

      74 Richard Jackson, "Contemporary State Terrorism: Theory & Practice" Routledge 2009

      75 Daniela Pisoiu, "Contemporary Debates on Terrorism" Routledge 2018

      76 Robert H. Holden, "Constructing the Limits of State Violence in Central America: Towards a New Research Agenda" 28 (28): 1996

      77 Gabriella Slomp, "Carl Schmitt and the politics of Hostility violence and terror" Palgrave Macmillan 2009

      78 James M. Lutz, "A Critical View of Critical Terrorism Studies" 4 (4): 2010

      79 조희연, "5·18 민중항쟁에 대한 새로운 성찰적 시선" 한울 2009


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