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      Effectiveness of Collocation Learning Through a Web-Concordancer in a Korean EFL University Course



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study aims to explore an effective learning and teaching collocation model for lower-level EFL learners in a general English course integrating two approaches: deductive and inductive data-driven learning. Twenty-four Korean university students w...

      This study aims to explore an effective learning and teaching collocation model for lower-level EFL learners in a general English course integrating two approaches: deductive and inductive data-driven learning. Twenty-four Korean university students were exposed to deductive collocation learning in class and then submitted inductive collocation assignments for one semester. A treatment group did the assignments through Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and a control group through their own resources. Both groups' five writings were illustrated that lexical collocations outnumbered grammatical collocations and the treatment group wrote more collocations that increased gradually in a series of the writings. Also, a pre- and a post-TOEIC scores implicated the collocation learning model was statistically meaningful toward general English proficiency. However, assignment tools didn't tell statistically significant differences presumably because of pre-exposed collocation learning in class and collocation-based online dictionaries that most control group referred to. Student logs, a survey, and interviews showed the model motivated self-regulated learning, exposure to diverse contexts, full comprehension of contexts based on part of speech.
      Especially, the treatment group took an advantage of authentic and colloquial contexts, but lack of them seemed to cause the control group not to keep motivating their learning in the end.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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