HIS majesty came to the assembly, the members of which rose and were uncovered as he entered, and took their seats, when he had reached his place.
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PHP / Historical Periodicals / Feature
473-474 [※수록면이 p5 이하이면, Review, Columns, Editor's Note, Abstract 등일 경우가 있습니다.]
다운로드다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
HIS majesty came to the assembly, the members of which rose and were uncovered as he entered, and took their seats, when he had reached his place.
HIS majesty came to the assembly, the members of which rose and were uncovered as he entered, and took their seats, when he had reached his place.
Life of a Man of Fashion. (Concluded from our last, p. 343.)
Alexis; or, the Cottage in the Woods. (Continued from our last, p. 322.)