The aim of this study is to reveal the diverse aspects of motherhood identified through single mother’s adoption practices. The films Broker and True Mothers contradict the myth of motherhood solidified under traditional family ideology, as well as ...
The aim of this study is to reveal the diverse aspects of motherhood identified through single mother’s adoption practices. The films Broker and True Mothers contradict the myth of motherhood solidified under traditional family ideology, as well as readjust the concept of ‘motherhood’ sprouted from the fixed perception of blood relations and gender differences. Firstly, Broker shows the characters who participate on a journey of illegal adoption of the baby emotionally unite and exhibit the three-dimensionality of motherhood. Their roles and attitudes surrounding the baby show a potential of ‘collective motherhood’. They evoke the fact that motherhood is the object of ‘procedural acquisition.’ True Mothers displays in various ways the systemic inequality faced by women during pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing. The film‘s ’becoming a mother‘ goes over two questions: “Can a biological mother who put her baby for adoption become a mother?” and “Can an adoptive mother who adopted the baby become a mother?” We can say that True Mothers shows the possibility of ’becoming a mother‘ as a dimension of ’reflective acceptance.