R-Tree provides indirect access path to spatial object by using MBR(Minimum Boundary Rectangle). Various kind of object approximation method has been proposed, but most of them has low filtering performance. MBR decomposition methods has been proposed...
R-Tree provides indirect access path to spatial object by using MBR(Minimum Boundary Rectangle). Various kind of object approximation method has been proposed, but most of them has low filtering performance. MBR decomposition methods has been proposed to upgrade filtering performance but it has disadvantage when object is very complex because it require large size of additional space to store decomposed MBR. Another solution to solve low performance of filter step in R-Tree is object decomposition method. It has good filtering performance but when information on original object is needed, object has to be reconstructed.
In this thesis, we proposed extended R-Tree which has grid for secondary filter. Girds consist of cells which store information on original object. Each cells represents whether any part of original object is existed in cell boundary or not. Proposed method requires relatively small amount of space, and it provides easy way of inspection.