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      아랍 스프링 이후 이집트의 정치권력구조 변화 = A Study on the Change of Political Power Structure in Egypt After the Arab Spring



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper is intended to research the change of political power structure in Egypt after the Arab Spring. The political power structure of Egypt has changed two times after the Arab Spring. After the Arab Spring, Islamist Mursy was elected as Preside...

      This paper is intended to research the change of political power structure in Egypt after the Arab Spring. The political power structure of Egypt has changed two times after the Arab Spring. After the Arab Spring, Islamist Mursy was elected as President of Egypt through a democratic election. During his first year in office, Mursy was regarded as doing little to tackle economic and social problems. He was ousted by the military in July 2013. It was a coup. After coup, Egypt was in turmoil, and polarized politically,religiously, and socially. In chapter Ⅱ, this paper analyzed the current situation of Egypt. A democratically elected president has been removed by the military. In chapter Ⅲ, the relationship between Mursy and the military in the first year of Mursy and MB``s response after coup were described. In chapter Ⅳ, the change of political power structure in Egypt after the Arab Spring was presented. The power structure after military coup is expected as same as the power structure of Mubarak. In chapter Ⅴ, the pivotal factors(America, the military, MB) influencing the political power structure of Egypt and their roles were presented. The most urgently needed thing in Egypt are reconciliation and democracy.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 황병하, "주요 중동국가들의 정치권력구조 연구" 대외경제정책연구원 2011

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      7 배문규, "이집트 사태, 공공의 적은 결국 이슬람주의였다"

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      10 양문평, "이스라엘-이집트 군부와 밀착관계설 부인"

      1 정상률, "팔레스타인 국가수립 추진에 대한 오바마 정부의 외교정책 분석" 한국중동학회 33 (33): 169-194, 2013

      2 황병하, "주요 중동국가들의 정치권력구조 연구" 대외경제정책연구원 2011

      3 "정권 축출 이집트 이슬람주의 헌법 개정 시동"

      4 일렉스 캘리니코스, "이집트 혁명과 중동의 민중반란" 책갈피 2011

      5 황병하, "이집트 자유정의당(FJP)의 등장과 이슬람주의 정당의 미래" 한국이슬람학회 22 (22): 71-102, 2012

      6 김효정, "이집트 사태에 중동 주요국 양분"

      7 배문규, "이집트 사태, 공공의 적은 결국 이슬람주의였다"

      8 황병하, "이집트 민주화운동과 무슬림형제단의 역할 - 정치정당 창당까지를 중심으로 -" 한국이슬람학회 21 (21): 63-95, 2011

      9 송경근, "이집트 무슬림 형제단의 성장, 투쟁, 사회적 역할 및 제도권 진입에 관한 연구" 한국이슬람학회 19 (19): 27-56, 2009

      10 양문평, "이스라엘-이집트 군부와 밀착관계설 부인"

      11 "이 엘바라데이 전 부통령, 국가신뢰 배반 혐의 피소"

      12 양모듬, "유혈사태 이집트, 돈줄이 말라간다"

      13 "사우디: 서방국 이집트 원조 끊어? 그럼 우리가 내겠다"

      14 "미국 이집트 군사원조 사안별 중단 검토"

      15 배문규, "군부와 나쁜 거래, 이집트 세속주의 몰락"

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      25 "http://swampland.time.com/2013/08/19/u-s-military-aid-to-egypt-an-ⅳ -drip-with-side-effects/"

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      43 Ghitis, Farida, "Egyptians are fed up with Morsy"

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      45 Abdelhadi, Magdi, "Egypt's army in control of vast business empire"

      46 Newton, Jay, "Egypt's Military Defends Public Image Abroad After Fighting Protests at Home"

      47 Bowen, Jeremy, "Egypt Crisis: How the euphoria turned to tragedy"

      48 Hellyer, H., "Can true democracy exit in military-dominated Egypt?"

      49 Gerges, Fawaz, "Can anyone save Egypt from the brink?"

      50 Yan, Holly, "Billions in aid on the line: What will the U.S. do about Egypt?"

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      52 Levs, Jose, "'Nail in coffin' for Arab Spring?"


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