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      기독교예배의 구성요소로서의 기도에 대한 언어적, 의사소통적 접근: 독일 개신교교회를 중심으로 = Linguistic and Communicative Approach to Prayer as a Component of Christian Worship: Focusing on the German Protestant Church

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper focuses on the worship tradition of the German Protestant Church, and considers prayer as a component of worship not only on the community level but also on the individual level and the theological level as well as on the verbal and communicative aspects. The goal is to develop the discussions more diversely.
      In terms of content and form, prayer is a very special way of expressing the relationship between the church(congregation) and God. At this time, the problem of interdependence between ceremonies and doctrines and the problems of verbal and nonverbal communication in prayer are strongly highlighted. At that time, by attempting to approach the issues of structure and language as well as contents of prayer in terms of communication and empathy, I would like to take this opportunity to seek such prayer that all the worship attendants can communicate with each other in high, linguistic and communicative level so that they can participate more actively in prayer.
      However, the lack of knowledge on linguistics and communication theories makes it difficult to advance further academic discussions. Therefore, I hope that many academic studies will be done on the subject of this prayer in the future, and I pray that the prayer given in the name of Jesus will lead to the worship of communication and empathy more thoroughly by experiencing the living God, the name of God and God’s presence.

      This paper focuses on the worship tradition of the German Protestant Church, and considers prayer as a component of worship not only on the community level but also on the individual level and the theological level as well as on the verbal and communi...

      This paper focuses on the worship tradition of the German Protestant Church, and considers prayer as a component of worship not only on the community level but also on the individual level and the theological level as well as on the verbal and communicative aspects. The goal is to develop the discussions more diversely.
      In terms of content and form, prayer is a very special way of expressing the relationship between the church(congregation) and God. At this time, the problem of interdependence between ceremonies and doctrines and the problems of verbal and nonverbal communication in prayer are strongly highlighted. At that time, by attempting to approach the issues of structure and language as well as contents of prayer in terms of communication and empathy, I would like to take this opportunity to seek such prayer that all the worship attendants can communicate with each other in high, linguistic and communicative level so that they can participate more actively in prayer.
      However, the lack of knowledge on linguistics and communication theories makes it difficult to advance further academic discussions. Therefore, I hope that many academic studies will be done on the subject of this prayer in the future, and I pray that the prayer given in the name of Jesus will lead to the worship of communication and empathy more thoroughly by experiencing the living God, the name of God and God’s presence.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • I. 들어가는 말
      • II. 예배요소로서의 기도
      • III. 예배기도의 실제관련 문제들
      • IV. 예배기도의 표현형태
      • V. 나가는 말
      • I. 들어가는 말
      • II. 예배요소로서의 기도
      • III. 예배기도의 실제관련 문제들
      • IV. 예배기도의 표현형태
      • V. 나가는 말
      • 참고문헌
      • Abstract

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 조남신, "하나님의 이름 언설의 원천으로서 성서 본문: 루돌프 보렌(R. Bohren)의 설교론을 중심으로" 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 81 : 361-391, 2015

      3 조남신, "창세기에 나타난 이스라엘 야훼종교의 예배행위 단서들에 대한 일고" 53 : 219-251, 2008

      4 조남신, "지구화시대의 한국신학" 도서출판 한빛 635-655, 1997

      5 샐리어즈, 단, "임재와 영광에로 나아감. 거룩한 예배" 예배와 설교 아카데미 2010

      6 "위키백과 홈페이지"

      7 조남신, "예수님의 예배이해와 예배관련 하나님의 이름언명들에 대한 고찰" 46 : 235-262, 2008

      8 조남신, "예수 그리스도의 현존을 공표(公表)하는사역으로서의 설교: 루돌프 보렌(R. Bohren)의 설교론에서 말씀의 현재시제" 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 92 : 321-356, 2018

      9 카스퍼, 발터, "예수 그리스도" 분도출판사 1980

      10 성종현, "신구약성서와 유대문헌에 나타난 하나님의 성호와 예수의 이름에 대한 고찰" 8 : 102-125, 1992

      1 보만, 토를라이프, "히브리적 사유와 그리스적 사유의 비교" 분도출판사 1998

      2 조남신, "하나님의 이름 언설의 원천으로서 성서 본문: 루돌프 보렌(R. Bohren)의 설교론을 중심으로" 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 81 : 361-391, 2015

      3 조남신, "창세기에 나타난 이스라엘 야훼종교의 예배행위 단서들에 대한 일고" 53 : 219-251, 2008

      4 조남신, "지구화시대의 한국신학" 도서출판 한빛 635-655, 1997

      5 샐리어즈, 단, "임재와 영광에로 나아감. 거룩한 예배" 예배와 설교 아카데미 2010

      6 "위키백과 홈페이지"

      7 조남신, "예수님의 예배이해와 예배관련 하나님의 이름언명들에 대한 고찰" 46 : 235-262, 2008

      8 조남신, "예수 그리스도의 현존을 공표(公表)하는사역으로서의 설교: 루돌프 보렌(R. Bohren)의 설교론에서 말씀의 현재시제" 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 92 : 321-356, 2018

      9 카스퍼, 발터, "예수 그리스도" 분도출판사 1980

      10 성종현, "신구약성서와 유대문헌에 나타난 하나님의 성호와 예수의 이름에 대한 고찰" 8 : 102-125, 1992

      11 조남신, "시내산 사건(출19-24장)에 나타난 예배이해와 현대적 적용" 연세대학교 신과대학 연합신학대학원 62 : 205-238, 2010

      12 조남신, "경험과학과 설교학의 관계(2): 사이버네틱스: 보렌의 설교론에 대한 보다 나은 이해를 위하여" 13 : 54-60, 1997

      13 Bohren, Rudolf, "texte zum weiterbeten" Neukirchener Verlag 1976

      14 Mössinger, Richard, "Zur Lehre des christlichen Gebets: Gedanken über ein vernachlässigtes Thema evangelischer Theologie" Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1986

      15 Leuenberger, Robert, "Zeit in der Zeit: Über das Gebet" Theologischer Verlag 1988

      16 von Allmen, "Worship: Its Theology and Practice" Lutterworth Press 1965

      17 Martin, Ralph P., "Worship in the early church. Grand Rapids" W. M. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co 1992

      18 Brunner, Peter, "Worship in the Name of Jesus" Concordia Publishing House 1968

      19 Webber, Robert E., "Worship Old and New" Zondervan Publishing House 1982

      20 Barth, Hans-Martin, "Wohin - woher mein Ruf?: Zur Theologie des Bittgebets" Chr. Kaiser 1981

      21 Jüngel, Eberhard, "Wertlose Wahrheit: Zur Identität und Relevanz des christlichen Glaubens, Theologische Erörterungen III" Chr. Kaiser Verlag 1990

      22 Miskotte, Kornelis. H., "Wenn die Götter schweigen: Vom Sinn des Alten Testaments" Kaiser Verlag 1963

      23 Brümmer, Vincent, "Was tun wir, wenn wir beten?: Eine philosophische Untersuchung" Elwert 1985

      24 Müller, Gotthold, "Theologische Realenzyklopädie 12" W. de Gruyter 84-94, 1984

      25 Herlyn, Okko, "Theologie der Gottesdienstgestaltung" Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1992

      26 Langer, Inghard, "Sich verständlich ausdrücken" Ernst Reinhardt 2015

      27 Bohren, Rudolf, "Predigtlehre" Chr. Kaiser Verlag 1986

      28 조남신, "Predigt als Namenrede und Gebet: in Anlehnung an R. Bohrens Predigtlehre" Theological Thought Institute null (null): 229-272, 2014

      29 Sölle, Dorothee, "Politische Nachtgebet in Köln" Kreuz Verlag 1969

      30 Adam, Adolf, "Pastoralliturgisches Handlexikon" Herder 1980

      31 Löwe, Hartmut, "Nachdenken vor Gott: Vom neu verstandenen Gebet" Stauda 1969

      32 Ruhbach, Gerhard, "Meditation und Gottesdienst" Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht 1989

      33 Thomas, Klaus, "Meditation in Forschung und Erfahrung, in weltweiter Beobachtung und praktischer Anleitung" Thieme 1973

      34 조남신, "Meditation als Osterfest des Wortes: eine analytische Betrachtung über R. Bohrens Predigtmeditationsverständnis" Theological Thought Institute null (null): 213-248, 2012

      35 Dietz, Otto, "Leiturgia,: Handbuch für den evangelischen Gottesdienst. Bd. II" Johannes Stauda Verlag 417-451, 1955

      36 Schulz, Frieder, "Kerygma und Melos" Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 40-56, 1970

      37 Miller, William R., "Integrating spirituality into treatment: Resources for practitioners" American Psychological Association 1999

      38 Müller, Klaus, "Homiletik: Ein Handbuch für kritische Zeiten" Verlag Friedrich Pustet 1994

      39 Barth, Friedrich K., "Gottesdienst menschlich: Taufe, Konfirmation, Abendmahl, Eheschließung, Beerdigung. Eine Agende, Bd. 2" Peter Hammer Verlag 1980

      40 Werlen, Iwar, "Gottesdienst als Mitteilung: Kommunikative Aspekte rituellen Handelns. Vol. 24" Evangelische Akademie Loccum 41-83, 1984

      41 Bernet, Walter, "Gebet: Mit einem Streitgespräch zwischen Ernst Lange und dem Autor" Kreuz Verlag 1970

      42 Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands, "Erneuerte Agende : Vorentwurf (Deutsch)" Lutherisches Verlagshaus 1990

      43 Schmidt-Lauber, "Die Zukunft des Gottesdienstes. Von der Notwendigkeit lebendiger Liturgie" Calwer Verlag 1990

      44 Scherman, Josef, "Die Sprache im Gottesdienst" Tyrolia Verlag 1987

      45 Barth, Karl, "Die Kirchliche Dogmatik. Bd. IV/4" Theologischer Verlag 1976

      46 Barth, Karl, "Die Kirchliche Dogmatik. Bd. III/4" EVZ 1951

      47 Tilmann, Klemens, "Die Führung zur Meditation: Ein Werkbuch, 2Bde" Benziger 1978

      48 Suntrup, Rudo, "Die Bedeutung der liturgischen Gebärden und Bewegungen in lateinischen und deutschen Auslegungen des 9. bis 13. Jahrhunderts" Fink 37 : 1978

      49 Josuttis, Manfred, "Der Weg in das Leben: Eine Einführung in den Gottesdienst auf verhaltenswissenschaftlicher Grundlage" Gütersloher Verlagshaus 1993

      50 Ruck-Schröder, Adelheid, "Der Name Gottes und der Name Jesu: Eine neutestamentliche Studie" Neukirchener Verlag 1999

      51 Roth, Gustav, "Der Allmächtige: Gottesanreden in Gebeten" 8 : 20-24, 1990

      52 Bohren, Rudolf, "Das Unser-Vater-heute" Zwingli Verlag 1963

      53 Heiler, Friedrich, "Das Gebet: Eine religionsgeschichtliche und religionspsychologische Untersuchung" Ernst Reinhardt Verlag 1969

      54 Bohren, Rudolf, "Das Gebet, Edited by Manfred Josuttis" Spenner 2003

      55 Schaeffler, Richard, "Das Gebet und das Argument: Zwei Weisen des Sprechens von Gott" Patmos 1989

      56 Miskotte, Kornelis. H., "Biblisches ABC: wider das unbiblische Bibellesen" Neukirchener Verlag des Erziehungsvereins 1976

      57 Herlyn, Okko, "Beten. Welchen Sinn hat es, mit Gott zu reden?" R. Brockhaus Verlag 1990

      58 Bohren, Rudolf, "Beten mit Paulus und Calvin" Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2008

      59 Grethlein, Christian, "Abriss der Liturgik: Ein Studienbuch zur Gottesdienstgestaltung" Gütersloher Verlagshaus 1989


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