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      다국어 자동 통번역을 위한 공통 변환 기반 하이브리드 자동 번역 방법



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Along with the advancement of speech recognition technology and machine translation technology in addition to the fast distribution of mobile devices, automatic speech translation technology no longer remains as a subject of research as it has become ...

      Along with the advancement of speech recognition technology and machine translation technology in addition to the fast distribution of mobile devices, automatic speech translation technology no longer remains as a subject of research as it has become popularized throughout many users. The goal of this paper is to describe the method of hybrid machine translation based on common transfer for multilingual speech and machine translation. As of 2012, there are different bilingual machine translation systems such as Korean-to-English, English-to-Korean, Korean-to-Japanese, Japanese-to-Korean, Korean-to-Chinese, and Chinese-to-Korean machine translation systems in Korea. An increase in the number of tourists is expected due to the fact that the Winter Olympic Games will be held in Korea in 2018. Budget problem prevents us from employing a sufficient number of human interpreters who can fluently interpret such languages as Spanish, French, German, and Russian. For this reason, consumers such as the Korea Tourism Organization and speech translation service providers demand a multilingual speech and machine translation system. We are developing a multilingual speech and machine translation system aiming for multilingual expansibility and high-quality translation accuracy.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 1. 서론
      • 2. 기존의 자동 번역과 자동 통역
      • 3. 다국어 자동 통역과 다국어 자동 번역의 관계
      • 4. 다국어 자동 번역 방법
      • 1. 서론
      • 2. 기존의 자동 번역과 자동 통역
      • 3. 다국어 자동 통역과 다국어 자동 번역의 관계
      • 4. 다국어 자동 번역 방법
      • 4.1. 다국어에 동일한 공통 변환
      • 4.2. 하이브리드 번역 방법
      • 5. 평가
      • 6. 결론
      • 참고문헌

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 스포츠닷컴, "한국 방문 중일 쇼핑관광객 불만, 무엇인가?"

      2 김승희, "자동통역기술, 서비스 및 기업 동향" 29 (29): 39-48, 2014

      3 문화일보, "외국인 관광객 수 5년새 72.77% 늘어"

      4 최승권, "다국어 자동번역 기술" 20 (20): 16-27, 2005

      5 최승권, "공통변환 기반 다국어 자동번역을 위한 언어학적 모델링" 한국언어정보학회 18 (18): 77-97, 2014

      6 Hudson, R. A., "Zwicky on heads" 23 : 109-132, 1987

      7 Murakami, J., "Two stage Machine Translation System using Pattern-based MT and Phrase-based SMT" 31-40, 2012

      8 Doyon, J., "The DARPA MT evaluation methodology : Past and present" 1-4, 1998

      9 Offersgaard, L., "Domain specific MT in use" 150-159, 2008

      10 Choi, S. K., "Customizing an English-Korean Machine Translation System for Patent Translation" 105-114, 2007

      1 스포츠닷컴, "한국 방문 중일 쇼핑관광객 불만, 무엇인가?"

      2 김승희, "자동통역기술, 서비스 및 기업 동향" 29 (29): 39-48, 2014

      3 문화일보, "외국인 관광객 수 5년새 72.77% 늘어"

      4 최승권, "다국어 자동번역 기술" 20 (20): 16-27, 2005

      5 최승권, "공통변환 기반 다국어 자동번역을 위한 언어학적 모델링" 한국언어정보학회 18 (18): 77-97, 2014

      6 Hudson, R. A., "Zwicky on heads" 23 : 109-132, 1987

      7 Murakami, J., "Two stage Machine Translation System using Pattern-based MT and Phrase-based SMT" 31-40, 2012

      8 Doyon, J., "The DARPA MT evaluation methodology : Past and present" 1-4, 1998

      9 Offersgaard, L., "Domain specific MT in use" 150-159, 2008

      10 Choi, S. K., "Customizing an English-Korean Machine Translation System for Patent Translation" 105-114, 2007

      11 Papineni, K., "BLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation" 311-318, 2002

      12 Rambow, O, "A Dependency Treebank for English" 857-863, 2002


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      영문명 : Interpretation & Translation Institute -> Interpreting and Translation Research Institute
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      영문명 : Interpretation & Translation Institute -> Interpreting and Translation Institute
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      2006-09-01 학술지명변경 외국어명 : journal of interpretation & translation institute. -> Interpreting and Translation Studies

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