1 이용원, "이중 이소성 갑상선 1예" 대한이비인후과학회 52 (52): 276-278, 2009
2 Yun JB, "Two cases of lingual thyroid" 43 (43): 1008-1011, 2000
3 Sood A, "Thyroid scintigraphy in detecting dual ectopic thyroid: a review" 35 (35): 843-846, 2008
4 Sood A, "The ectopic thyroid gland and the role of nuclear medicine techniques in its diagnosis and management" 11 (11): 168-171, 2008
5 Meng Z, "Scintigraphic detection of dual ectopic thyroid tissue: experience of a Chinese tertiary hospital" 9 (9): e95686-, 2014
6 Santangelo G, "Prevalence, diagnosis and management of ectopic thyroid glands" 28 (28): S1-S6, 2016
7 Ibrahim NA, "Ectopic thyroid: etiology, pathology and management" 10 (10): 261-269, 2011
8 Adelchi C, "Ectopic thyroid tissue in the head and neck: a case series" 7 : 790-, 2014
9 Choi JH, "Dual ectopic thyroid: a case report" 44 (44): 897-900, 2001
10 Kumar Choudhury B, "Dual ectopic thyroid with normally located thyroid: a case report" 2011 : 159703-, 2011
1 이용원, "이중 이소성 갑상선 1예" 대한이비인후과학회 52 (52): 276-278, 2009
2 Yun JB, "Two cases of lingual thyroid" 43 (43): 1008-1011, 2000
3 Sood A, "Thyroid scintigraphy in detecting dual ectopic thyroid: a review" 35 (35): 843-846, 2008
4 Sood A, "The ectopic thyroid gland and the role of nuclear medicine techniques in its diagnosis and management" 11 (11): 168-171, 2008
5 Meng Z, "Scintigraphic detection of dual ectopic thyroid tissue: experience of a Chinese tertiary hospital" 9 (9): e95686-, 2014
6 Santangelo G, "Prevalence, diagnosis and management of ectopic thyroid glands" 28 (28): S1-S6, 2016
7 Ibrahim NA, "Ectopic thyroid: etiology, pathology and management" 10 (10): 261-269, 2011
8 Adelchi C, "Ectopic thyroid tissue in the head and neck: a case series" 7 : 790-, 2014
9 Choi JH, "Dual ectopic thyroid: a case report" 44 (44): 897-900, 2001
10 Kumar Choudhury B, "Dual ectopic thyroid with normally located thyroid: a case report" 2011 : 159703-, 2011
11 Kim DY, "Dual ectopic thyroid" 44 (44): 1120-1122, 2001