This paper analyzes the opening sequence of 〈The Hours〉 by Stephen Daldry(2002). As a ‘reading the cinematic text’, the purpose of this paper is to illuminate the use of the style in the opening sequence. Though the opening sequence has been l...에서 pinyin(병음)방식으로 중국어를 변환할 수 있습니다.
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다운로드다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
This paper analyzes the opening sequence of 〈The Hours〉 by Stephen Daldry(2002). As a ‘reading the cinematic text’, the purpose of this paper is to illuminate the use of the style in the opening sequence. Though the opening sequence has been l...
This paper analyzes the opening sequence of 〈The Hours〉 by Stephen Daldry(2002). As a ‘reading the cinematic text’, the purpose of this paper is to illuminate the use of the style in the opening sequence. Though the opening sequence has been less focused, this paper supposes that of 〈The Hours〉 is somewhat essential and powerful part which can be called ‘the cinematic’.
Through the mise-en-scene, cinematography, montage, and music, the opening sequence of〈The Hours〉converts the discontinuity into the continuity between three women-Virginia, Mrs. Brown, and Clarissa, and makes the intense image of similarity. In terms of mise-en-scene, the resemblance of actions of characters and same directions of actions provides the inner relationship which is inherent below the surface.
Cinematography emphasizes the similarity of the obscure and hidden female experiences and consciousness. The most remarkable of this sequence is the mechanism of montage. It can be said that this montage reminds the ‘montage of linkage theory’ by Vsevolod. I. Pudovkin. The ability of representing visual images to make a association of a concept is a key role of providing of sameness and relationship between three women. And the theme music by Philip Glass shows that it has the logical relationship with the film’s form through enforcing the similarity of three women.
목차 (Table of Contents)
참고문헌 (Reference)
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학술지 이력
연월일 | 이력구분 | 이력상세 | 등재구분 |
2026 | 평가예정 | 재인증평가 신청대상 (재인증) | |
2020-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (재인증) | |
2017-09-22 | 학회명변경 | 영문명 : Film Studies Association Of Korea (Fisak) -> Korean Cinema Association (KCA) | |
2017-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (계속평가) | |
2013-01-01 | 평가 | 등재 1차 FAIL (등재유지) | |
2010-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 유지 (등재유지) | |
2007-01-01 | 평가 | 등재학술지 선정 (등재후보2차) | |
2006-04-09 | 학술지등록 | 한글명 : 영화연구외국어명 : Film Studies | |
2006-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보 1차 PASS (등재후보1차) | |
2004-01-01 | 평가 | 등재후보학술지 선정 (신규평가) |
학술지 인용정보
기준연도 | WOS-KCI 통합IF(2년) | KCIF(2년) | KCIF(3년) |
2016 | 0.58 | 0.58 | 0.59 |
KCIF(4년) | KCIF(5년) | 중심성지수(3년) | 즉시성지수 |
0.58 | 0.55 | 1.055 | 0.29 |
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