The definition of sensitive cargos is high value-added goods such as semiconductors, LCDs, and electronic products. This sensitive cargo is transported by land movement containers such as roads and railroads. During this land transportation, damage an...
The definition of sensitive cargos is high value-added goods such as semiconductors, LCDs, and electronic products. This sensitive cargo is transported by land movement containers such as roads and railroads. During this land transportation, damage and breakage to the sensitive cargo occur due to running vibrations. There are existing solutions of packaging technology and suspension devices for non-vibration trucks and passenger cars. However, internal damage to the pavement can occur, vibration-free trucks can only be applied to road cargo, and suspension systems have disadvantages that require expensive changes to the cart when applied to trucks. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a vibration reduction device that is compatible with both road and rail freight and can be applied inside the container.
In this study, the hyperelastic material test and behavior evaluation of elastomer, optimization of material constants prediction, nonlinear structural analysis of the vibration reduction device, and optimal of the shape section design were performed, in order to improve the safety of the vibration reduction device for sensitive logistics in development. From the material constants prediction optimization, the material constant of the hyperelastic behavior 'yeoh' model was predicted by comparing the graph of the compressive load-compressive displacement of test and analysis. Also, from the results of the nonlinear structural analysis, the optimal design of the shape section according to three algorithms was performed, and the maximum principal strain was 0.261 as a result of the optimization. This was reduced by about 34.9% compared to the value of the initial model of natural rubber (0.401).