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1 "Pharmachological investigations on archyrocline satureioides" eth (eth): 281-293, 1988
2 "Pathogenic significance of interleukin-6" in Castleman's disease 1360-1367, 1989
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4 "Mechanisms thatregulate the cell cycle status of very primitive hematopoieticcells in long-term human marrow cultures Analysis ofpositive and negative regulators produced by stromal cellswithin the adherent layer" 110-117, 1991
5 "Mechanisms of experimental cancer cachexia Interaction between mononuclear phagocytes and colon-26carcinoma and its relevance to IL-6-mediated cancercachexia" immu (immu): 3674-3678, 1992
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7 "Inhibitors of nitricoxide production and absolute stereostructures of five newgermacrane-type sesquiterpenes and F monoacetate from the flowers of Chrysanthemumindicum L" 48 : 651-656, 2000
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