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      The Growth of a Female Individual: From Violent to Charitable in Euripides’ Iphigenia among the Taurians



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper investigates how Iphigenia outgrows the process of repeating violence which she herself suffered by overcoming inner contradictions of different images of Artemis in Euripides’ play Iphigenia among the Taurians. Traditionally, most critic...

      This paper investigates how Iphigenia outgrows the process of repeating violence which she herself suffered by overcoming inner contradictions of different images of Artemis in Euripides’ play Iphigenia among the Taurians. Traditionally, most critics have marginalized Iphigenia through their focus on Aristotelian recognition or male philia between Pylades and Orestes. Iphigenia, instead, has been viewed as passive and deceptive. Recently, however, partly with feminist acknowledgement of agency in traditional nurturing women, Iphigenia, as a character, has been reconsidered, although the growth aspect of her character has not been discussed. This paper argues that Iphigenia overcomes the inner contradictions between violent and charitable Artemises, and that she finds her sense of self through faith and community. To contextualize the theme of change from violent to charitable, I first discuss Aeschylus’ Oresteia as a prequel to Euripides’ play, comparing the two writers’ different expressions of theodicy. I then describe the growing processes of Iphigenia.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 장영란, "한국 여성-영웅 서사의 희생의 원리와 자기 완성의 철학- ‘딸’의 원형적 이미지분석과 ‘효’ 이데올로기 비판" 한국여성철학회 (9) : 1-29, 2008

      2 정해갑, "에우리피데스의 여성인물 연구: 『메데이아』(Μηδεια), 『헤카베』 (Ἑκαβη), 『박카이』(Βακχαι)에 나타난 이중성을 중심으로" 한국셰익스피어학회 52 (52): 97-116, 2016

      3 천병희, "에우리피데스 비극의 이해 (2)" 13 : 333-362, 1999

      4 김영옥, "신화 다시쓰기, 자의적 폭력에서 언어적 소통으로: 에우리피데스, 라신, 괴테의 이피게네이아" 이화인문과학원 4 (4): 151-176, 2011

      5 아리스토텔레스, "시학" 문예출판사 2004

      6 엘리아데, 미르치아, "세계종교사상사, 1권: 석기시대에서부터 엘레우시스의 비의까지" 이학사 2014

      7 이종숙, "르네상스 영희곡과 ‘유리피데스적’ 주제" 46 : 133-167, 2002

      8 이진성, "그리스 신화의 이해" 아카넷 2016

      9 Torrance, Isabelle, "Writing and Self-Conscious Mythopoiesis in Euripides" 56 : 213-258, 2010

      10 Aristotle, "Poetics"

      1 장영란, "한국 여성-영웅 서사의 희생의 원리와 자기 완성의 철학- ‘딸’의 원형적 이미지분석과 ‘효’ 이데올로기 비판" 한국여성철학회 (9) : 1-29, 2008

      2 정해갑, "에우리피데스의 여성인물 연구: 『메데이아』(Μηδεια), 『헤카베』 (Ἑκαβη), 『박카이』(Βακχαι)에 나타난 이중성을 중심으로" 한국셰익스피어학회 52 (52): 97-116, 2016

      3 천병희, "에우리피데스 비극의 이해 (2)" 13 : 333-362, 1999

      4 김영옥, "신화 다시쓰기, 자의적 폭력에서 언어적 소통으로: 에우리피데스, 라신, 괴테의 이피게네이아" 이화인문과학원 4 (4): 151-176, 2011

      5 아리스토텔레스, "시학" 문예출판사 2004

      6 엘리아데, 미르치아, "세계종교사상사, 1권: 석기시대에서부터 엘레우시스의 비의까지" 이학사 2014

      7 이종숙, "르네상스 영희곡과 ‘유리피데스적’ 주제" 46 : 133-167, 2002

      8 이진성, "그리스 신화의 이해" 아카넷 2016

      9 Torrance, Isabelle, "Writing and Self-Conscious Mythopoiesis in Euripides" 56 : 213-258, 2010

      10 Aristotle, "Poetics"

      11 Belfiore, Elizabeth S., "Murder Among Friends: Volition of Philia in Greek Tragedy" Oxford UP 2000

      12 Mueller, Melissa, "Landscapes of Dread in Classical Antiquity: Negative Emotion in Natural and Constructed Spaces" Routledge 93-112, 2018

      13 Trieschnigg, Caroline P., "Iphigenia’s Dream in Euripides’ Iphigenia Taurica" 58 (58): 461-478, 2008

      14 Euripides. Helen, "Iphigenia in Tauris. Perseus Collection"

      15 Euripides. Helen, "Iphigenia in Tauris" Liverpool UP 2000

      16 "Iphigeneya (Female Experience Symposium): Reading of Jane Lumley’s ca. 1553 Translation of Euripides’ ‘Iphigenia in Aulis’" U of Auckland

      17 Braund, David, "Greek Religion and Cults in the Black Sea Region: Goddesses in the Bosporan Kingdom from the Archaic Period to the Byzantine Era" Cambridge UP 2018

      18 Foley, Helen P., "Female Acts in Greek Tragedy" Princeton UP 2002

      19 Euripides. Helen, "Euripides IV: Helen, The Phoenician Women, Orestes" U of Chicago P 18-106, 2013

      20 Griffith, Mark, "Euripides III: Heracles, The Trojan Women, Iphigenia among the Taurians, Ion" U of Chicago P 2013

      21 Griffith, Mark, "Euripides III: Heracles, The Trojan Women, Iphigenia among the Taurians, Ion" U of Chicago P 146-150, 2013

      22 Euripides. Helen, "Euripides III: Heracles, The Trojan Women, Iphigenia among the Taurians, Ion" U of Chicago P 151-219, 2013

      23 Mastronarde, Donald J., "Euripidean Tragedy and Theology" 1 : 17-49, 2002

      24 Devereux, George, "Dreams in Greek Tragedy: An Ethno-Psycho-Analytical Study" U of California P 1976

      25 Veyne, Paul, "Did the Greeks Believe in Their Myths?: An Essay on the Constitutive Imagination" U of Chicago P 1988

      26 Kim, Soim, "Comment on “‘No god is evil, I do not believe it’: Interpreting Gods as Knowing Self in Euripides’ Iphigenia among the Taurians”" 2020

      27 Aeschylus, "Agamemnon. Perseus Collection"

      28 Lattimore, Richmond, "Aeschylus" U of Chicago P 33-90, 1959

      29 Lattimore, Richmond, "Aeschylus" U of Chicago P 1959

      30 Hall, Edith, "Adventures with Iphigenia in Tauris: A Cultural History of Euripides’ Black Sea Tragedy" Oxford UP 2013

      31 Gregory, Justina, "A Companion to Greek Tragedy" Blackwell 251-270, 2005

      32 Wright, Matthew, "A Companion to Euripides" John Wiley and Sons 504-518, 2017

      33 Fletcher, Judith, "A Companion to Euripides" John Wiley and Sons 1-17, 2017

      34 McClure, Laura K., "A Companion to Euripides" John Wiley and Sons 2017

      35 Mueller, Melissa, "A Companion to Euripides" John Wiley and Sons 536-551, 2017


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