When a vehicle is running, wheel is generating vertical and horizontal force on the rail, in addition to load of vehicle, through a complicated set of motions. The derailment coefficient refers to the ratio of horizontal force(Lateral force) to vertic...
When a vehicle is running, wheel is generating vertical and horizontal force on the rail, in addition to load of vehicle, through a complicated set of motions. The derailment coefficient refers to the ratio of horizontal force(Lateral force) to vertical force (Wheel load), and if the value exceeds a certain level, a wheel climbs or jumps over the rail. That's why the value is used as a criterion for running safety. Wheel load reduction of rolling stocks is less dangerous relatively compared to increase of lateral force. But, because we handle luster indifferently, difficult by wheel load reduction often happens. In this paper, examined about speed of vehicles and wheel unloading ratio differently at high speed.