1 Freud S, "Three essays on the theory of sexuality. SE. 7" Hogarth Press 1905
2 Clower VL, "Theoretical implications in current views of masturbation in latency girls" 24 : 109-125, 1976
3 Stoller RJ, "The sense of femaleness" 37 : 42-55, 1968
4 Russel B, "The history of western philosophy" Simons & Schuster, Inc 3-24, 1972
5 Tyson P, "Some nuclear conflicts of infantile neurosis in female development" 11 : 582-601, 1991
6 Schafer R, "Problems in Freud’s psychology of women" 22 : 459-485, 1974
7 Freud S, "Female sexuality. SE. 21" Hogarth Press 1931