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      The Function and Role of Good Faith under the Contract for the International Sale of Goods



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The doctrine of good faith in civil law was a broad and comprehensive principle, whichgoverned the relationship of the parties including in the pre-contractual phase. However, thecommon law, except in insurance contracts, had traditionally rejected th...

      The doctrine of good faith in civil law was a broad and comprehensive principle, whichgoverned the relationship of the parties including in the pre-contractual phase. However, thecommon law, except in insurance contracts, had traditionally rejected the doctrine of goodfaith in civil law.
      The concept of good faith had been considered as an ethical norm relating to honesty,genuineness, fair dealing and reasonableness. However it may be more ambiguous in relationto a legal notion. Good faith could not be simply defined since it has different meaningsaccording to circumstances concerned. Good faith in commercial transactions exists in mostcountries, but the usefulness of its treatment and the scope of its application differ. Incontract law, good faith has both a subjective sense, which requires honesty, and an objectivesense, which requires compliance with standards of fair dealing.
      The observance of good faith under Article 7(1) can be applied to the statement andconduct by the contracting parties through the interpretation of Article 8 and usage agreedupon between the parties under Article 9. Moreover, by the application of Article 7(2) in theCISG, good faith can be properly applied in the pre-contractual stage. Article 7(2) offeredthe interpretative principle as guidance to solve the concerning questions not expressly settledin the CISG. If this provision is applied, the questions relating to the formation of thecontract for which the CISG does not contain any specific provision would be settled by theprinciple of good faith.
      The good faith to be observed under Article 7(1) is the good faith standard in internationaltrade. The standard to measure good faith in international transactions would be sought inreasonableness itself that has been reasonably formed to cause the fair dealing. Though good faith and reasonableness are separate norms, they also have a close interrelationship. There are a number of provisions where good faith, within the meaning of the CISG, may be implied as a standard of reasonableness, which is a test to estimate the important provisions in the Convention.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, "Yearbook Volume IX"

      2 Peden, E., "When common law trumps equity : The rise of good faith and reasonableness and the demise of unconscionability" 21 : 226-, 2005

      3 United Nations, "United Nations Conference on Contracts for International Sale of Goods"

      4 Honnold, J. O., "Uniform law for international sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention" Kluwer LawInternational 1999

      5 Honnold, J. O., "Uniform law for international sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention" Kluwer Law International 1982

      6 Schlechtriem, P., "Uniform Sales Law"

      7 Lando, O., "The principles of European contract law: Part1" Marhinus Nijhoff 1995

      8 Moses, M. L., "The new definition of good faith in revised Article 1" 35 (35): 47-, 2002

      9 Quagliato, P. B., "The duty to negotiate in good faith" 50 (50): 213-225, 2008

      10 Goode, R. E., "The concept of ‘good faith’ in English Law" Centro di studi e ricerchedi diritto comparator e straniero 1992

      1 United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, "Yearbook Volume IX"

      2 Peden, E., "When common law trumps equity : The rise of good faith and reasonableness and the demise of unconscionability" 21 : 226-, 2005

      3 United Nations, "United Nations Conference on Contracts for International Sale of Goods"

      4 Honnold, J. O., "Uniform law for international sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention" Kluwer LawInternational 1999

      5 Honnold, J. O., "Uniform law for international sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention" Kluwer Law International 1982

      6 Schlechtriem, P., "Uniform Sales Law"

      7 Lando, O., "The principles of European contract law: Part1" Marhinus Nijhoff 1995

      8 Moses, M. L., "The new definition of good faith in revised Article 1" 35 (35): 47-, 2002

      9 Quagliato, P. B., "The duty to negotiate in good faith" 50 (50): 213-225, 2008

      10 Goode, R. E., "The concept of ‘good faith’ in English Law" Centro di studi e ricerchedi diritto comparator e straniero 1992

      11 Sim, D., "The Scope and application of good faith in the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods"

      12 "Text of secretariat commentary on Article 6 of the 1978 Draft"

      13 "Rile v. First State Bank, Spearman, 469S.W.2d 812, 816"

      14 Kritzer, A.H., "Pre-contract formation"

      15 Hillman, R. A., "Policing contact modifications under the UCC : Good faith and the doctrine of economic duress" 64 (64): 1979

      16 "Phillipe v. Thomas, 489 A2d 1056, 1059"

      17 "New Zealand 3 October 2001 Court of Appeal Wellington"

      18 "Netherlands 15 October 2002 Netherlands Arbitration Institute, Case No. 2319"

      19 "Money Mart Check Cashing Center, Inc. v. Epicycle Corp. 667 P.2d 1372, at 1373, 1374"

      20 Unger, R. M., "Law in modern society: Towards a criticism of social theory" Free Press 1976

      21 "Italy: Tribunale e di Busto Arsizio"

      22 Hofmann, N., "Interpretation rules and good faith as obstacles to the UK’s ratification of the CISG and to harmonization of Contract Law in Europe" 22 : 145-181, 2010

      23 Stapleton, J., "Good faith in private law" 52 (52): 1-36, 1999

      24 Summer, R., "Good faith in general contract law and the sales provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code" 195 : 1968

      25 Farnsworth, A. E., "Good faith in contract performance" Oxford University Press 1994

      26 O’Connor, J. F., "Good faith in English Law" Dartmouth 1990

      27 Palmeiri, N., "Good faith disclosures required during pre-contractual negotiations" 24 : 1993

      28 "Germany 31 October 2001 Supreme Court"

      29 Honnold, J. O., "Documentary history of the uniform law for international sales" Kluwer Law International 1989

      30 Powers, P., "Defining the undefinable: Good faith and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods" 18 : 333-336, 1999

      31 Hooley, R., "Controlling Contractual Discretion" 72 (72): 65-90, 2013

      32 Carter, J. W., "Contract law in Australia" Butterworths 2007

      33 Furmston, M.P., "Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston’s Law of Contract" Butterworths 1996

      34 Burton, S., "Breach of contract and the common law duty to perform in good faith" 94 : 369-, 1980

      35 Black, H. C., "Black’s law dictionary" West Publishing Co 693-, 1990

      36 "Belgium: Hof van Beroep Gent"

      37 "Belgium 19 June 2009 Court of Cassation"

      38 Holmes, J., "A contextual study of commercial good faith disclosure in contract formation" 381 : 441-, 1978


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