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      영어교육의 인문적 전망에 관하여 = Some Thoughts toward Humanist Reorientation in English Language Education in Korea



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The English language education in Korea is a phenomenon that goes far beyond the bounds of a common educational subject or a mere pastime in culture. Historically, the power of the language was commonly felt in three major East Asian countries althoug...

      The English language education in Korea is a phenomenon that goes far beyond the bounds of a common educational subject or a mere pastime in culture. Historically, the power of the language was commonly felt in three major East Asian countries although its influence in Korea was more or less filtered by the intervening colonial Japan. Reflecting the prominent American role in the area, post-colonial Korea began to spend much concerted educational energy in the learning of the privileged language. The effort has always been strenuous but beyond a degree of slow progress the result was never satisfactory for the simple reason that their target is a foreign tongue with limited use in practical life. Despite this innate limit, society at large demanded not necessarily in silence greater strenuousness on the part of students or general public. Meanwhile, a great deal of academic energy has gone to the theories of teaching and art of pedagogy. I dare to conjecture that Korean students could possibly already have reached their maximum point in collective achievements. Nevertheless, though the guiding spirit coming from current theories appears to be rational and practical and even human, they may still be overly rooted in the second language teaching theories to the neglect of the distinct concept of foreign language, thereby possibly harming some significant dimension of humanity in education. On the basis of this incongruence and supported by some indirect social indices, I take the liberty to suggest that for the concerned scholarship and pedagogy in Korea it is time to go back to some fundamental principles of human ways in education that ought to inform the practical pedagogy of English as a foreign language and imagine a new philosophy fit for the second developmental chapter of English education in Korea. The more substantial body of my argument will go to the discussion of an alternative concept of English as a foreign language meaningful in the perspective of such a vision.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 인용문헌
      • Abstract
      • 인용문헌
      • Abstract

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 "영어 공교육 완성 실천방안" 대통령직인수위원회 2008

      2 박경환, "맹자" 홍익출판사 2005

      3 "공동번역성서" 대한성공회 1977

      4 Van Doren, Mark., "William Wordsworth : Selected Poetry" Modern Library 1950

      5 Lawrence, D. H., "Why the Novel Matters, In The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol 2" Norton 1993

      6 Tristram, Hidegard., "Why Don’t the English Speak Welsh? in The Britons in Anglo-Saxon England" The Boydell Press 2007

      7 Abrams, M. H., "The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume 2" Norton 1993

      8 Grey, Thomas., "The Complete Poems of Thomas Grey: English, Latin, and Greek" The Oxford University Press 1966

      9 Krashen, Stephen., "Principles and Practices in Second Language Acquisition" Pergamon Press 1982

      10 Weinreich, Uriel., "Languages in Contact" Mouton 1953

      1 "영어 공교육 완성 실천방안" 대통령직인수위원회 2008

      2 박경환, "맹자" 홍익출판사 2005

      3 "공동번역성서" 대한성공회 1977

      4 Van Doren, Mark., "William Wordsworth : Selected Poetry" Modern Library 1950

      5 Lawrence, D. H., "Why the Novel Matters, In The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol 2" Norton 1993

      6 Tristram, Hidegard., "Why Don’t the English Speak Welsh? in The Britons in Anglo-Saxon England" The Boydell Press 2007

      7 Abrams, M. H., "The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume 2" Norton 1993

      8 Grey, Thomas., "The Complete Poems of Thomas Grey: English, Latin, and Greek" The Oxford University Press 1966

      9 Krashen, Stephen., "Principles and Practices in Second Language Acquisition" Pergamon Press 1982

      10 Weinreich, Uriel., "Languages in Contact" Mouton 1953

      11 Hyde, Douglas, "Language, Lore, and Lyrics: Essays and Lectures" Irish Academic Press 1986

      12 De Quincey, Thomas., "Confessions of an English Opium-Eater" A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication 2004

      13 Chomsky, Noam., "Aspects of the Theory of Syntax" MIT Press 1965

      14 Yeats, W. B., "Among School Children, In The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 2" Norton 1993

      15 Spenser, Edmund., "A View of the Present State of Ireland" Blackwell Publishers 1596

      16 Joyce, James., "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" Viking 1916


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